Thursday, 31 December 2009

Media Literacy promotion to begin in Jamaica

Title: Broadcasting Commission Promotes Media Literacy
Source: KINGSTON: Jamaica Information Service (JIS)
Date Published: Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Article reports on an interview conducted with the Executive Director of the Broadcasting Commission of Jamaica, Cordel Green. Green in the interview states that Jamaicans' participation in the new information economy, needs to move from the position of just being consumers to also being producers of information. TO achieve this, Green suggests that Jamaica needs a media literate populace. Green then highlights the role of the Broadcasting Commission and its role in the development of a media literate populace.


Executive Director of the Broadcasting Commission, Cordel Green, has said that if Jamaica is to participate, fully, in the new information economy, it will need to develop a media literate population.

According to the Executive Director in an interview with the Jamaica Information Service (JIS), Jamaicans must not be satisfied just being consumers of the products, but must also aim to become creators.

"The ability to access the internet and information is just one part of media literacy, we must also be able to interpret what it is that we are receiving and, most importantly, be able to create content to be able to participate fully in this new information economy and be able to guide ourselves along the highway", he said.

CaribLIN's anniversary reflection and objectives for 2010

Seasons greetings viewers and readers,

I started the Caribbean Library and Information News (CaribLIN) blog in December 2007. This month now marks the second year of its existence. That means that despite my job, family obligations and other activities, I have still managed to keep this blog in existence.

In fact, this year's performance has more than doubled last year's performance.

In December 2007, CaribLIN posted 3 news items.
In December 2008, 4 news items were posted.
For this December, 2009, a total of 7 news items will be posted.

In addition, in December 2007, CaribLIN began with 7 posts. By December 2008, CaribLIN was able to triple that, posting 28 posts for that year. As of December 2009, CaribLIN would be posting 112 blog entries for the year. That is an average of 9.33 entries a month.

Blog entries this year have posted news items from Jamaica, Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago, and Barbados. In addition, CaribLIN was able to reach new audiences, when some of its entries were featured in IASL Newsletter.

For 2010, the objectives for Carib LIN are to:

  • maintain the blog entries on the Caribbean library and information environment to at least 3 entries per month.

  • include more English-speaking Caribbean islands in its coverage other than Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad and Guyana

  • maintain grammatically and error free entries, while ensuring that this blog is accurate, trustworthy and reliable.

Ultimately, CaribLIN's renewed 2010's purpose or mission is to:
  • provide a voice in the blogosphere for issues in Caribbean library and information service environment

  • and to report developments that are of interest to and affect librarians and information professionals who have an interest in the region

Thank you and Regards,

Mark-Shane Scale
Blog Editor and Chief Contributor

Works Cited:

Scale, Mark-Shane "Regional Perspective: Caribbean School Libraries News from the Web (Jan - Apr, 2009)." IASL Newsletter 38.2 (2009): 8. Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts with Full Text. EBSCO. Web. 10 Dec. 2009

Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Promised Jamaican Youth Information Centre Delayed

Title: St Thomas youth still waiting (Letter to the Editor)
Date Published: Friday | December 18, 2009
Source: Jamaica Gleaner

Article reveals a citizens remarks on the delay in the establishment of a youth information centre in their parish. The citizen/author publicly reminds the Editor and the authorities of some of the facts reported regarding the establishment of the youth centre.

"On Saturday, March 23, 2008, this newspaper published an article titled 'Youth information centre for St Thomas by year-end'.

Dania Beckford, youth infor-mation specialist at the National Centre for Youth Development, was responding to a letter by Charlie Brown published on May 19, 2008, titled 'St Thomas youth need help'. The information specialist stated that the parish of St Thomas was next to benefit from this imperative resource (a youth information centre) for youth development.

She further stated that, to date, two locations had been identified to host the youth information centre: one at the now-closed Goodyear tyre factory, and the other on land adjoining the Social Development Commission's office, both located on the Springfield main road. Site visits had been conducted and proper protocol arrangements are already under way to formalise the agreement to set up a well-designed reconfiguration of four containers in the allocated space of approximately 467 square metres at the latter location. The project is funded by UNICEF and is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2009 calendar year."

Sunday, 20 December 2009

National Library of Guyana launches commemorative stamp

Author: Michelle Gonsalves

Title: National Library launches commemorative stamp

Source: Guyana Chronicle

Date: December 16, 2009


Article reports on the launch of a special commemorative stamp by the National Library of Guyana as part of its centennial celebrations. It is done in collaboration with the the Guyana Post Office Corporation (GPOC). A description of the stamp is given, and the purpose for the launch of this stamp is expressed.

Essentially, the launch is a public relations or marketing exercise for National library. The hopes and aspirations for the stamp is to serve a means of stimulating people to know and want to know more about the institution.

The article also provides insight into the mission of the National Library of Guyana. Chairman of the National Library Committee Mr. Petamber Persaud, also recounts in brief, a part of the history and origin of the library.

"The National Library continued its centennial celebrations with the launching of a special commemorative stamp yesterday, at its Church and Main Street, Georgetown, location.

Commemorative Stamp on display yesterday at the National Library.

Addressing attendees at the event, Post Master General Mr. Henry Dundas stated, “Documentation of such information on a stamp no doubt translates into informing persons throughout the world of our National Library and the fact that it has been in existence for a century now”.

Other attendees at the special occasion included Chairman of the National Library Committee Mr. Petamber Persaud, Chief Librarian Ms. Gillian Thompson, and Governor of the Bank of Guyana Mr. Lawrence Williams."

Guyana plans to establish a Peace Resource centre with library

Title: Olympic-sized pool, squash court on stream next year

Source: The Guyana Chronicle Online

Date: December 20, 2009


The article reports on the plans of the Guyanese Ministry of Culture Youth and Sports to expand its infrastructure in 2010. Among the new facilities included in the plan are an Olympic-sized pool, two Squash Courts and a Peace Resource Centre with conferences facilities and a library.

Funding for the establishment of the resource centre and its library will come from the United Nations Development Fund. The article also mentions that library materials have already been procured.

Relevant Excerpt:
"In addition, plans are afoot to set up a Peace Resource Centre with funding from the United Nations Development Fund.

The building will house a cafeteria that will service the entire complex and two conferencing facilities along with an extensive library. Some of the materials for the library have already been procured."

The article only briefly reports on the establishment of the library in two sentences. This is perhaps indicative of the low value that Caribbean media places on libraries versus sporting facilities, which gets predominant coverage in the article.

No word is mention about staffing in terms of employing a librarian. Materials have been procured, but one wonders who procured them, and what collection development policy was set up for this library. One also wonders if this library was planned any at all, with consideration of the would be users of the the facility or service.

Jamaica's Agricultural Marketing Information System

Title: JAMIS Will Only be Beneficial if Utilized - Dr. Tufton

Source: KINGSTON, Jamaica Information Service (JIS)

Date Published: Thursday, December 17, 2009



The article reports the goals that the Minister of Agriculture hopes to achieve from the launching of the website for the Jamaican Agricultural Marketing Information System (JAMIS). One of the goals is to spur a more competitive sector, by providing customers with the market intelligence to know where to shop for produce for cheaper rates, as well as for suppliers to have a guide for pricing their produce.


"JAMIS will post notice boards in main municipal markets to display weekly prices for farmers, higglers, and middlemen. Prices will also be posted at Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA) parish offices. Additionally, text message services detailing prices, will soon be circulated to stakeholders to allow then to make strategic decisions, and to increase transparency in the marketplace."

Saturday, 19 December 2009

Jamaica launches Web-based Agricultural Marketing Information System

Title: JAMIS Website Launched to Assist Stakeholders in Agricultural Sector

Source: KINGSTON, Jamaica Information Service (JIS)

Date Published: Monday, December 14, 2009



The article reports on the launch of new Website that will serve the information needs of Jamaican suppliers and buyers of farm produce. This new website is the initiative of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, to serve the information needs of the Jamaican market place for farm produce for prices of produce, as well as where to purchase the produce. The article also mentions two of the funding agencies behind the project, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and CDS Development Solutions. The URL of the website is also provided.

In terms of funding agencies, there is a discrepancy between what is reported on the article and what is available on the Website. In the article CDS Development Solutions is reported. On the website, it is CDC Development Solutions and App Venture.


All stakeholders in the agricultural industry are now able to equip themselves with vital pricing information, which will enable them to make better decisions about the sale and purchase of produce.

This has been made possible through the Jamaica Agricultural Marketing Information System (JAMIS) website, which was launched by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, today (December 14), at its Hope Gardens headquarters, in Kingston.

The web portal is part of the Ministry's ongoing thrust to modernise the sector through the application of technology. Its primary role is to collect, compile and disseminate agricultural data, which will aid producers, purchasers, consumers and distributors.

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

New school "library" to receive local Jamaica Information Service materials

Title: Three Schools in St. Catherine Benefit from JIS Donation
Source: KINGSTON, Jamaica Information Service (JIS)
Date published: Sunday, November 29, 2009

A number of Jamaican schools received donations of local materials from Jamaica Information Service. One such school is a primary school recently upgraded from an all-age school. In this report, the principal of that school, Hazel Bradford expressed her gratitude for the materials and indicates how the materials will be used. The principal also mentions how the institution converted classrooms to a library in order to faciltate the upgrade.

"At Seafield Primary and Infant, Principal, Hazel Bradford, also stated her delight with the JIS donations.

She explained that the school recently converted two classrooms into a library following a change from all-age to primary status.

"With the JIS contribution, our students will be very knowledgeable about their heritage," she stated, while informing that the materials will be added to the library's collections."