Thursday, 27 December 2012

CARIB LIN's 5th anniversary & 2013 goals

This year 2012, marks the 5th year of keeping this blog going. And since it is now December, it is about that time again when I reflect and review the year for the Carib LIN blog. For 2012, my goals were to:

  • maintain grammatically and error free entries, while ensuring that this blog is accurate, trustworthy and reliable.
  • provide a voice in the blogosphere for issues in Caribbean library and information service environment
  • report developments that are of interest to and affect librarians and information professionals who have an interest in the region.
  • and maintain the survival of this blog through: posting at least one blog posting per month on news relevant to the region and attempting to enlist at least one other partner blogger to post

As I began and completed my first year as a PhD student, I wondered if I would have any time to update this blog and keep the posts coming in regularly. However, on reviewing the record, I have found that  Carib LIN was able to maintain the schedule of posting at least 1 post per month. In fact all goals have been met with the exception of enlisting a partner blogger to help with maintaining the content of this blog.

For this year, our news postings came from Guyana, Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago on a number issues representative of the happenings in academic, public and national libraries and other information institutions. The blog also featured posts on a number of conferences and events of importance taking place within the region. Some of our news may seem ephemeral, but in the long term, our blog could be considered for archival value as an historical record of select events and happenings in libraries in the region. More realistically, our blog could serve as an information source to point researchers (including historians studying the region's libraries) to other source materials to help in creating those official historical records.

It is that outlook that keeps me motivated to continue to commit a fraction of my time each month to documenting some of the relevant news and available electronic information sources on the region's libraries and information-related institutions. It is something that I will do for free and will commit to not even advertising or accepting advertising funds for.

Yours faithfully

Mark-Shane Scale,
Chief editor of Carib LIN, curator, and blogger.

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Georgetown School of Nursing to get 'virtual' library

Author: Anthony Layne  
Title: Health sector skills capacity boosted as 91 medical personnel complete training programme
Source: Guyana Chronicle
Date published: 5 December 2012


This article reports on a speech made by the Guyanese Health Minister Dr. Bheri Ramsaran, delivered at the graduation of clinical and technical trainees at the National Cultural Centre. In that speech, the Minister announces plans to have the Georgetown School of Nursing upgrade its library to a virtual one with the installation of computers and Wireless Internet. In addition, the library will be expanded to accommodate more persons.

"Georgetown School of Nursing—at the centre of controversy in recent times—will soon have its library upgraded to a virtual library with the installation of computers and hot spot. Further,the school’s resource centre will be expanded  and so will the classrooms to alleviate the cramped conditions."

University youth implements the Read For Life Summer Programme in Barbados

Author: Natasha Beckles
Title: Nourishing a love for books
Source: Nation News
Date published: DECEMBER 02, 2012

The article reports on a summer reading programme for children in libraries across Barbados, the Read For Life Summer Programme. In this programme, participants as young as three years old are involved in activities to use their imaginations and creativity while discovering the fun of reading books. A brief biographical background about the founder of the programme, Gillian Rowe, is provided. Rowe  is a 22 year old history student at the University of the West Indies (UWI) Cave Hill Campus.

The article discusses the outcomes and impact of the programme from Rowe's perspective. Read For Life according to Rowe, has helped to increase the usage of libraries especially during the summer, and has impacted children's personal development over the three years. Parents have also came forward seeking assistance to improve their children's reading.

How the programme was implemented is also documented. In the first year, volunteers went into the community to learn about the reading habits of children from their parents. In the second year, the children themselves were surveyed in order to find out what their favourite books were, who read to them, if they enjoyed reading and if they liked drawing pictures or imagining stories after reading a book. Based on these findings, the volunteers used the third year to locate more books that the children can relate to culturally.

Rowe make suggestions from her research about the development of children book publishing for the region. According to Rowe, children want to read about the stories and issues in their own lives of which they have questions about. Rowe is also reported as stating that there is a shortage of Barbadian and Caribbean children books, despite the quantity of teachers, writers and literary students graduating from the University of the West Indies. Rowe suggests that a publishing platform be established to to purposefully increase the quantity of regional books. Other suggestions are given in order to rectify the problem including using the submissions to the National Independence Festival Of Creative Arts (NIFCA) to discover new ideas for publication.

Rowe also discusses the partnerships that Read For Life has established including referrals of children who need extra assistance to the LITE Remedial Reading Centre. Future expansion in programming are announced, including a plan to launch the pilot phase of its Homework Helper programme which will include three schools and three branch libraries. A bit of information is provided about the homework helper program, where after school assistance will be provided to select students at the libraries who need help with their homework. This programme will be staffed with volunteers at three libraries that will provide one-on-one assistance.Rowe also announces plans for two additional end of year readings on December 22 and 29 at the Bridgetown Library, lasting for two hours, which will enable parents to have their children occupied while completing their shopping.


“We encourage children to come and use the resources in library branches for themselves, to help them with their schoolwork, to help them with general knowledge and to help them as they try to find a profession and way of life for themselves,” she said of the programme which caters to those up to the age of 18. 

The non-profit organization is staffed by a number of volunteers, many of whom are former teachers and principals and students who want to become teachers. 

However, anyone who is passionate about encouraging children and helping them to develop is welcome to volunteer since they are trained before being placed in the libraries.

Monday, 26 November 2012

E-book and tablet programme for UWI Mona Medical students

Author: Andrea Braham
Title: Medical Students Saving Big through eBooks
Source: Jamaica Information Service
Date published: Wednesday, 14 November 2012


The article  reports on a programme bringing e-books and tablet devices to medical students. This e-books programme is said to deliver to approximately 350 medical students all their required text books.

The article reports on a speech delivered by Acting Dean in the Faculty of Medical Sciences, Professor Horace Fletcher, explaining the programme. Prof. Fletcher reports that the book programme involves students paying a fee to access 18 books at the cost of one physical book from the UWI bookshop.
Also reported is the Deputy Principal at the UWI, Prof. Archibald McDaniel, stating that the initiative to begin the tablet programme emerged from the issue of the Medical Faculty increasing its student enrollment and using technology to enhance the learning experience. Prof. McDaniel adds that lecturers and associate lecturers will also receive the tablet device, SmartTab, to utilise as teaching aids.

Plans are mentioned to do the same with primary and high schools and even persons with disabilities (primarily the visually impaired). Minister for Science, Technology, Energy and Mining, Hon. Julian Robinson  reports that the Government is looking to provide tablets for primary schools. Mentioned is made that supplying computers for the Government's current e-learning programme cost US$1, 200 per computer and lasts on average three years. Robinson reports that the tablet programme would cost lest.

"Students in the Faculty of Medical Sciences at the University of the West Indies (UWI) can now access electronic medical texts at a fraction of the cost for the printed material, saving them hundreds of thousands of dollars each year. 
The move has been facilitated through partnership between the Mona campus and local technology company, JL Mobile, makers of the SmartTab.  
For a one-time fee of US$200, the students will receive the tablet and have access to all their required texts for an additional US$200 per year. The one-time charge covers a seven-month warranty and technical support for the duration of the course."

Event to encourage donations for the National Library of Jamaica's sound collection

Title: Local Artistes Encouraged To Donate To Library
Date published: Thursday, October 25, 2012
Source: Jamaica Gleaner


Article reports on efforts by the National Library of Jamaica (NLJ) to host an event to encourage local artistes to donate to building the library's sound collection. Also mentioned is the Legal Deposit Act that came into existence and its influence in developing the library's CD collection.

"The National Library of Jamaica (NLJ) plans to present Legalise It, a collaborative effort with Teddy Laidley Productions on Friday. 
Legalise It seeks to encourage local artistes to build a sound collection at the National Library of Jamaica by making legal deposits to the library."

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

ACURIL 2013 conference

Event:  The Association of Caribbean University, Research and Institutional Libraries (ACURIL) 2013 conference
(The region's annual flagship conference)

Location: InterContinental San Juan Resort & Casino, Puerto Rico

Date: June 9th-14th, 2013

Theme: Knowledge territories: Exploring commons environments for learning, research, creativity and productivity in libraries, archives and museums in the Caribbean

Details at:

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Marcus Garvey Resource Centre established: Youth urged to use it

Author: Garfield Angus
Title: Youth Urged to make use of Marcus Garvey Resource Centre
Date Published: WEDNESDAY, 05 SEPTEMBER 2012
Source: Jamaica Information Service


The article reports on the Marcus Garvey Resource Centre housed in St. Ann, Jamaica. The facility officially opened on August 17, commemorating the 125th anniversary of the National Hero's birth. Information about some of the materials in the collection is provided. Information about how the resource centre came into existence is also provided, including the funding agencies and partners behind the project. The article also reports on the Director of Jamaica Library Service, Patricia Roberts, giving her vision for the centre and its major objectives. Future plans for the centre are also outlined

The article also reports on a number of other officials making various statements about the resource centre. The Mayor of St. Ann’s Bay, Councillor Desmond Gilmore, discusses the significance of the facility and his feelings towards it. The Custos of St. Ann, Hon. Radcliffe Walters, encourages young people in particular to use the facility. St. Ann Festival Queen, Kemesha Kelly also provides statements on the value of the centre. At the end, a brief biography about Marcus Garvey is also provided.

Young people in St. Ann are being encouraged to make use of the Marcus Garvey Resource Centre in the parish to gain greater insight into the National Hero’s life and work. The facility, housed at the Parish Library in St. Ann's Bay was officially opened on August 17, to commemorate the 125th anniversary of Garvey’s birth. It is equipped with books written by the National Hero, the works of Garvey scholars, several memorabilia, and copies of the Negro World newspaper that Garvey founded and was its chief editor.

Jamaica Library Service (JLS) to purchase 400 computers

Author: Athaliah Reynolds-Baker
Title: Cabinet Approves 400 Computers for JLS
Date Published: FRIDAY, 21 SEPTEMBER 2012 10:55
Source: Jamaica Information Service

The article reports on the approval of a contract by the Jamaican Government that will supply Jamaica Library Service (JLS) with computers, uninterruptible power supply (UPS) units and application software. The announcement is reportedly made by the Minister with responsibility for Information, Senator the Hon. Sandrea Falconer at a press briefing following the Cabinet's decision. Also mentioned is the concern by Government of the need to reduce the costs associated with such information technology upgrades and acquisitions as well as decisions about possible explorations to achieve this.

The Jamaica Library Service (JLS) is set to receive some 400 computers, UPS units and application software, in an effort to improve the efficiency of its information technology systems.
Minister with responsibility for Information, Senator the Hon. Sandrea Falconer said Cabinet has approved a contract for  Management Service Systems to supply 400 computer systems, 400 licences of Microsoft Office 2012, 400 licences of Norton Anti-virus, and 400 uninterruptible power supply (UPS) units to the JLS.

Sunday, 30 September 2012

Trinidad & Tobago Minister endorses restoring old library building

Author: Michelle Loubon
Title: Education Minister lauds library restoration plans
Date Published: Sunday, September 30, 2012
Source: Trinidad and Tobago Guardian

Article reports on a speech by Education Minister Tim Gopeesingh that discussed the restoration plans for the old Public Library at Knox Street, Port-of-Spain and the significance of such a restoration to Trinidad and Tobago. This speech reportedly took place at the launch of book entitled A Tale From The Old Library Vol 2: An Historical Record of the Public Library. The report also provides background information about this book, in terms of  its content and the authorship behind its publication.


Education Minister Tim Gopeesingh says restoration of the old Public Library at Knox Street, Port-of-Spain, will foster a much needed appreciation of T&T’s history among the younger generation. He made this comment while delivering the feature address at the launch of A Tale From The Old Library Vol 2: An Historical Record of the Public Library, on Friday.

Gopeesingh said: “We live in a time when libraries and their historical significance run the risk of being lost in this age of technology. The fact that this project falls under the National Patriotism Month—and while we celebrate our 50th anniversary—makes it more worthwhile and relevant.” He added, “We will be fulfilling that very glaring need to preserve the memories and legacies of all our great patriots, past and present, who offered to their nation their leadership, skills and achievements at the highest levels.”

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Caribbean Library Journal's (CLJ) call for submissions for 2013 publication

SOURCE:  Caribbean Library Journal (CLJ): A publication of The University of the West Indies, University Libraries

Caribbean Library Journal (CLJ) announces its call for submissions for online publication in its April 2013 issue. Information is provided about the journal and its scope. Types of research and submissions accepted are also outlined.

Caribbean Library Journal (CLJ) welcomes the submission of manuscripts for the publication of its inaugural issue in April 2013. CLJ is an open access peer-reviewed online journal which focuses on the practice and research of Caribbean librarianship and the information management of Caribbean resources globally. It publishes original research written by Caribbean librarians, information scientists and library school faculty and students, as well as by information professionals from outside the Caribbean region who work with, or conduct research on Caribbean materials. Currently, CLJ is only able to accept publications in English.
The CLJ team will work with new authors and persons with innovative ways of presenting scholarship in the Web 2.0 environment. A section of the journal is assigned to pushing the boundaries of Caribbean scholarship and publications. CLJ will accept visual essays, video presentations, technical coding with explanations on library and information, illustrated guides on how to solve library and archival issues.

Deadline for abstracts of no more than 400 words: 15th October 2012
See here for details.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

National Library of Guyana turns 103 years old

Title:  National Library is 103 years old
Source: Stabroek
Date: Tuesday, September 18, 2012

This article features the history of the Guyana National Library. Mentioned in the article are important milestones in how the library came into being, including key historical persons behind the library's existence.

 After over a century of dedicated service to the Guyanese populace, the Guyana National Library has achieved another significant milestone, celebrating its 103rd birthday on September 9 last.
Although founded in 1909, the groundwork for the establishment of the then Carnegie Free Library actually began in 1907, after entrepreneur Andrew Carnegie provided a grant of £7,000 towards its construction. After several name changes along the years, in 1972, the Library Ordinance was amended which resulted in yet another name change from the Public Library to the National Library. The library now had dual responsibility for National and Library Services.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Disapperance of 1985-1992 parliamentary records in Guyana

Title: Disappearance of parliamentary records not deliberate -Ramkarran
Source: Stabroek
Date: Sunday, August 26, 2012

This article makes the revelation that transcripts recording Guyana's parliamentary activities and proceedings for the period of 1985 to 1992 are missingFeatured in the article is the former Speaker of the National Assembly Ralph Ramkarran confirming the missing records, but denying that the gap is intentional.

Former Speaker of the National Assembly Ralph Ramkarran has acknowledged gaps in the parliamentary records but dismisses any assertions that their disappearance is deliberate, saying that it was under his stewardship that programmes commenced to bring the records up to date.

This follows revelations from Clerk of the National Assembly Sherlock Isaacs and his predecessor Frank Narain as to what might have happened to transcripts for the period 1985 to 1992.

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Mobile museum on Marcus Garvey to be launched in Jamaica

Author: Chris Patterson
Title: Special Focus on Marcus Garvey
Date published: Wednesday, 15 August 2012 09:10
Source: Jamaica Information Service (JIS)


The article reports about the official plans by the Government of Jamaica to celebrate and commemorate the 125th anniversary of the birth of the country's first National Hero, the Right Excellent Marcus Mosiah Garvey. Part of those activities involve the launch of a mobile museum that will transport information on Garvey to individuals who cannot travel to the museum to do so.The article also mentions a function at the St. Ann’s Bay Parish Library to honour the hero.


In an interview with JIS News, Director/Curator at Liberty Hall, Donna McFarlane, says with the launch of the mobile museum, individuals residing at various sections of the island will be able to garner information on the Hero.

“There are also some areas in Jamaica where they simply cannot afford to get a bus to come (to the museum) and we’d like to be able to take the museum to them,” she says.

Sunday, 22 July 2012

UWI Mona DLIS 40th Anniversary Conference & Gathering of Graduates

Conference Name:  The University of the West Indies, Mona  Department of Library and Information Studies 40th Anniversary  Conference & Gathering of Graduates

Sponsoring Institution:

The University of the West Indies, Mona
Department of Library and Information Studies

Title: "From Search to Discovery: Reimagining the Library and Information Landscape"

Location: Mona Visitors’ Lodge & Conference Centre, 
UWI, Mona Campus, Kingston 7

Date: October 4-6, 2012 


The University of the West Indies, Mona Department of Library and Information Studies puts on its 40th anniversary conference and gathering of the graduates. The call for papers and poster presentations is out and the deadline closes July 31, 2012. The conference calls for presentations on the library and information landscape but also asks for researchers to relate the topic to the Caribbean.


"The theme asks participants to envision how the changing information
environment is impacting the role and functions of libraries, librarians, as
well as library and information science education and research and
information users. Further, persons are asked to relate this change to the
current situation in the Caribbean."

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

UWI St. Augustine library acquires Eastern Caribbean Folk Recordings


Title: UWI receives Alan Lomax and JD Elder Collection
Date Published: Wednesday, June 20, 2012


The article records the acquisition of the Alan Lomax and Jacob D Elder Collection of Folk Recordings by the Alma Jordan Library of the University of the West Indies (UWI). The acquisition of these materials comes at the 50th anniversary of when the field recordings were made in 1962 by Alan Lomax, with assistance from JD Elder. The contents of the acquisitions are described and some background information on Lomax and Elder (the collectors) are provided.

Details of the ceremony celebrating the handover to the institution are described including the location of the event. Also mentioned is a concurrent event, the Caribbean and Latin America three-day 57th annual Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials  (SALALM) hosted by the UWI campus libraries, National Library and Information System Authority (NALIS) and the Library Association of Trinidad and Tobago (LATT). A few details about the conference are provided including the mission of SALALM. 


A symbolic handing over of The Alan Lomax and Jacob D Elder Collection of Folk Recordings to the Alma Jordan Library of the University of the West Indies (UWI) took place at Theatre 1, National Academy for the Performing Arts (NAPA), Port-of-Spain, on Monday evening.

The event, A Cultural Journey—An Evening of History, Music and Dance, was in honour of participants from the Caribbean and Latin America attending the three-day 57th annual Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials  (SALALM) hosted by the UWI campus libraries, National Library and Information System Authority (NALIS) and the Library Association of Trinidad and Tobago (LATT), which began at Hilton Trinidad and Conference on June 17.

SALALM’s primary missions are the control and dissemination of bibliographic information about all types of Latin American publications, and the development of library collections of Latin America in support of educational research. This year is the 50th anniversary of the field recordings made in 1962 by Alan Lomax, with assistance from JD Elder and according to Dr Rosita Sands of the Lomax Archive, it is a sweeping survey of the music of 12 islands, inclusive of Grenada, Anguilla, St Lucia, St Kitts/Nevis, Carriacou, Dominica, Martinique, St Barthelemey, Guadeloupe and Trinidad and Tobago.

Monday, 4 June 2012

Barbados Archives urged to digitize

Author: (JH)
Title: Digitise records
Date published: June 4, 2012
Source: The Barbados Advocate

This article reports on comments made by a historian, Dr. David Browne, who delivered a public lecture as part to celebrate Archives Awareness Month 2012. At that event, Dr. Browne makes a number of comments, remarks, observations and suggestions, some of which are documented by the reporter. One such suggestion was that the Barbados Depart ment of Archives needs digitize its records to keep up with modern technological advancements, despite unavailability of resources. Browne articulates that access and preservation of archive materials are important to researchers, and makes suggestion about businesses needing to practice good record keeping and that schools need to create School Archives in similar ways that they have school libraries.


THE BARBADOS Department of Archives must reposition itself for the modern era and the technological advancement that comes with it.

This observation was made recently by Dr. David Browne, who was delivering a public lecture on the topic “Preserving Archives as Evidence” in the 3Ws Oval. The lecture was hosted by the Archives Department and the West Indies Federal Archives Centre in celebration of National Archives Awareness Month 2012.

Acknowledging the current challenges which exist and which have existed for quite some time, namely the unavailability of resources, he said that access and preservation of this material is critical, particularly as it relates to persons seeking to carry out research on a given topic.

“More and more, information and documents are [being] produced digitally and stored in this fashion. I understand that the Archives Department was looking at the digitisation of records [and] that is the way to go.”
His comments came as he also questioned the purpose of record-keeping, whether it is for the use of researchers or just for posterity, otherwise known as the community memory.

Friday, 18 May 2012

Branch Library's annual essay competition grows

Title: Shortwood Branch Library's annual essay competition growing
Date Published: April 30, 2012
Source: Jamaica Gleaner

Article reports on the Shortwood Branch Library's annual essay competition. Aim of the competition is reported as well as the history of the competition, its benefits, the participation level from students and the current awardees.


ALL EYES were fixed on Shana-Kay Ritchie of Oberlin High School as she collected her trophy for first place in the Shortwood Branch Library's fourth annual essay competition.
The aim of the competition was to exhibit the country's achievements over the last 50 years to the nation's children.
"The competition is beneficial as we get to critique the essays, make evaluations and communicate with the students directly or the teachers as to how they did and how they can improve. It helps with the writing process, researching and how to make references, among many other things," said Melony Leitch, librarian for the Shortwood Branch Library.

Friday, 13 April 2012

University of Guyana launches online library service with access to over 65,000 books

Title: UG launches online library service with access to over 65,000 books
Author: Stabroek staff
Date: Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Source: Stabroek News

The article reports on the launch of the University of Guyana's Online Library Service to various campuses. The article reports that the new service promises to provide online access to thousands of books.

The University of Guyana yesterday launched its Online Library Service at the Turkeyen Campus to facilitate online access to over 65,000 books for students, staff and members of the public, while access to another 120,000 is expected soon.
A similar programme was launched at the Tain Campus in Berbice last year, where the Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) service was unveiled as a pilot project for the university’s library services.

National Library of Jamaica seeking to digitize Jamaica Daily News


Request for Proposal (RFP) – Jamaica Daily News Digitization

The National Library of Jamaica (NLJ) is soliciting proposals from qualified proposers for digitizing the entire run of The Jamaica Daily News and Supplements from hard copy as described in the RFP document.
Proposers must:
·         Be registered with the National Contracts Commission for the supply of similar services
·         Possess a valid Tax Compliance Certificate
·         Be in good Financial Standing.
 Queries, Clarification & further Information Responses:
Miss Nicole Bryan
Project Manager – Newspaper Digitization
National Library of Jamaica
12 East Street
Jamaica W.I.
Tel: (876) 967-2494/6

Deadline for Submission:
Completed RFP, labeled “Request for Proposal (RFP) – Jamaica Daily News Digitization” must be deposited in the tender Box located at the address above no later than 2 p.m. on April 13, 2012.  NO LATE SUBMISSION OF BIDS WILL BE ACCOMODATED!

Bid Opening:
Opening of tenders will take place at 2:30 p.m. in the NLJ Board Room in the presence of NLJ representatives and the proposers’ representative(s) who choose to attend.

NLJ is not obligated to accept the lowest or any tender and also reserves the right to cancel the tender process at any stage without any liability.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

National Library of Jamaica unveils new logo

Title: More Jamaicans encouraged to visit the National Library
Date published: Thursday, March 15, 2012
Source: Jamaica Information Service (JIS)/ Jamaica Observer


The article reports on a speech by Jamaica's Minster of Youth and Culture, Lisa Hanna, at the unveiling of the National Library of Jamaica's (NLJ)'s new logo at the library’s East Street office. Hannah's speech endorsed the work of the NLJ and mentions the value of its collection to Jamaica. Hannah also mentioned her wish for more Jamaicans to know about NLJ's collection and for greater private sector contributions to the NLJ.


MINISTER of Youth and Culture, Lisa Hanna, is encouraging more Jamaicans to visit and make use of the opportunities offered at the National Library of Jamaica (NLJ), to learn more about the country’s culture and history.

“The work that you are doing here is phenomenal and I would really appreciate if more Jamaicans come, see and learn about our history, the journey that we have made as a people, and even to see what we do with very small resources,” Hannah said.

She was speaking at the unveiling of the NLJ’s new logo yesterday at the library’s East Street office.

The minister also encouraged private sector persons who want to give back something to Jamaica, to do so through the National Library.

“I think the national library is one of those symbols that we can stand very proud on as Jamaicans. The rich history that you have sitting here and what you are able to collect is truly remarkable,” Hanna told the staff.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

First Jamaican public secondary school to get e-book platforms

Author: By Chris Patterson, Jamaica Information Service (JIS) Reporter
Title: New e-library Programme to boost Learning at Jamaica College
Date published: Tuesday, 13 March 2012
Source: Jamaica Information Service (JIS)

The article reports on the launch of EBSCO e-library platform for the Jamaican public secondary school, Jamaica College. The Executive Member, Jamaica College Old Boys’ Association, Stephen Dawkins, describes some of the features of the platform.

Endorsement by the Minister of Education, Rev. the Hon. Ronald Thwaites is also reported. Thwaites also admonishes the students about the type of learners that Jamaica needs.

Statements on the integration of technology into learning are also reported from the Vice Principal for the Lower School,  Rohan Wong, and Public Relations Manager at FLOW, Jeanette Lewis. The contributors towards the platform's acquisition are identified, namely the Jamaica College Old Boys Association, and FLOW, as well as other institutions in the island which use EBSCO e-book platforms including the University of the West Indies (UWI), and private schools,  such as the American International School of Kingston (AISK).

Also, a brief background and history is also provided of the school.

With the click of a button, students and teachers at one of the country's oldest secondary institutions, Jamaica College (JC), in Kingston, will have access to hundreds of digital books, photographs, and recordings through their e-library programme.

This means that students will now have the option of visiting the school’s library or using the virtual platform of the Elton B Stephens Company (EBSCO) e-library, which was launched on March 9.

Catering to user needs and preferences at every level of research,  the system can be used to easily move from the catalogue to the particular book, then to a particular chapter.

Jamaica College is the first and only public secondary school in the country to have implemented the EBSCO e-library platform.

Monday, 20 February 2012

The Trenchtown Reading Center in Kingston, Jamaica

From a feature on CEEN Caribbean News about the Trenchtown Reading Center in Kingston, Jamaica.
Produced by: journalist Kalilah Enriquez

Information presented about the Trenchtown Reading Center in Kingston, Jamaica.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

SALALM LVII Annual Meeting

Another regional conference to be held in the English-speaking Caribbean.

Event: SALALM LVII Annual Meeting OR
  57th Annual Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials (SALALM)

Hilton Trinidad and Conference Centre
Port of Spain, Trinidad

Date: June 16-19, 2012

Hosted by:
the Campus Libraries, The University of the West Indies, St Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago and the Library Association of Trinidad and Tobago.

Theme: Popular Culture: Arts and Social Change in Latin America



Panels will explore a broad range of media and avenues through which popular culture is expressed such as film and television, popular music and art, performance , graphic novel, artisan and artists’ books, the internet and social media and many others. Particular attention will be paid to the exploration of projects that document the social uses of popular culture.

Monday, 6 February 2012

Minister of Information declares role for Jamaican librarians in ICT

Title: Role for Librarians as Leaders in ICT Sector Development - Minister Falconer
Date: Monday, 06 February 2012
Source: Jamaica Information Service

Article reports on a speech by the Minister with responsibility for Information, Senator Sandrea Falconer, at the annual President’s Banquet of the Library and Information Association of Jamaica (LIAJA), in Kingston on Saturday, February 4. At the event, Senator Falconer outlines what she perceives as the role that librarians need to play in Jamaica's development. The response to the Minister from the President of LIAJA and Government Archivist, Claudette Thomas is also reported. Information is also present about the induction of three new honorary members to the association.


Librarians will play a leadership role in developing government’s framework for the ICT sector said Minister with responsibility for Information, Senator Sandrea Falconer, at the annual President’s Banquet of the Library and Information Association of Jamaica (LIAJ), in Kingston on Saturday, February 4.
Minister Falconer said, “Your organisation, the Library and Information Association of Jamaica (LIAJA)) is poised to play a critical role in this process by providing leadership and development in the information field and to encourage learning and facilitating access to information. Your members are information professionals who possess the requisite skills and competencies that can be applied to a variety of work settings that will ensure the attainment of a knowledge society by 2030."

Sunday, 5 February 2012

UWI Press launches e-books for Kindle readers

Author: The University of the West Indies, St Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago
Title: The UWI Press launches five e-books for Kindle customers
Date:  FEBRUARY 1, 2012
Source: The University of the West Indies, St Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago Campus News


This news release from the University of the West Indies Press highlights one of the main Caribbean scholarly book publisher launching e-books for Kindle readers. Background information on the publisher is also provided and the titles that will be available in e-book format are announced. In addition, the publisher's goal of publishing more than 60 more titles in e-book format is also stated.

January 2012 marked a new beginning for the UWI Press in the global book industry as it launches five e-books for its Kindle customers.
According to Linda Speth, the Director of the UWI Press: “Our goal is to provide superb Caribbean scholarship in a variety of formats.  During the next year, we will make more than 60 books available in electronic forms for a variety of tablets, readers and devices.  Our customers want a choice in how they gain access to our content and these and other initiatives will allow our customers greater access to and usability of our peer-reviewed books.”
The five e-books being launched are Cascade by Barbara Lalla, Inna di Dance Hall: Popular Culture and the Politics of Identity in Jamaica by Donna P. Hope, In Miserable Slavery: Thomas Thistlewood in Jamaica, 1750-86 by Douglas Hall,Jamaican Folk Medicine: A Source of Healing by Arvilla Payne-Jackson and Mervyn Alleyne and Abandoning Dead Metaphors: The Caribbean Phase of Derek Walcott’s Poetry by the late Patricia Ismond.

Sunday, 29 January 2012

ACURIL 2012 conference

The region's flagship conference for 2012:

Event: ACURIL XLII Conference

Karibe Hotel and Convention Center
Petion-ville, Haiti

Date: June 4- 8th, 2012,



Sunday, 22 January 2012

January 2012 conference for Caribbean information professionals

A relevant conference for Caribbean library and information professionals is to be held in January 2012.

Organisers: /SlashRoots and Mona School of Business, The University of the West Indies
Conference: Developing the Caribbean
Date: 26th January 2012
Venue: Faculty of Law, University of the West Indies, Mona Campus, Kingston, Jamaica
Cost: $1000 for regular attendee, but $500 for student


  • Cataloguing National Data Resources: Finding the  right balance between Freedom of Information, Access and Privacy
  • Open Data
  • FOSS: Adoption in the public sector
  • A Presentation of the Edward Seaga Database Collection