Thursday, 27 December 2012

CARIB LIN's 5th anniversary & 2013 goals

This year 2012, marks the 5th year of keeping this blog going. And since it is now December, it is about that time again when I reflect and review the year for the Carib LIN blog. For 2012, my goals were to:

  • maintain grammatically and error free entries, while ensuring that this blog is accurate, trustworthy and reliable.
  • provide a voice in the blogosphere for issues in Caribbean library and information service environment
  • report developments that are of interest to and affect librarians and information professionals who have an interest in the region.
  • and maintain the survival of this blog through: posting at least one blog posting per month on news relevant to the region and attempting to enlist at least one other partner blogger to post

As I began and completed my first year as a PhD student, I wondered if I would have any time to update this blog and keep the posts coming in regularly. However, on reviewing the record, I have found that  Carib LIN was able to maintain the schedule of posting at least 1 post per month. In fact all goals have been met with the exception of enlisting a partner blogger to help with maintaining the content of this blog.

For this year, our news postings came from Guyana, Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago on a number issues representative of the happenings in academic, public and national libraries and other information institutions. The blog also featured posts on a number of conferences and events of importance taking place within the region. Some of our news may seem ephemeral, but in the long term, our blog could be considered for archival value as an historical record of select events and happenings in libraries in the region. More realistically, our blog could serve as an information source to point researchers (including historians studying the region's libraries) to other source materials to help in creating those official historical records.

It is that outlook that keeps me motivated to continue to commit a fraction of my time each month to documenting some of the relevant news and available electronic information sources on the region's libraries and information-related institutions. It is something that I will do for free and will commit to not even advertising or accepting advertising funds for.

Yours faithfully

Mark-Shane Scale,
Chief editor of Carib LIN, curator, and blogger.


Errol Adams, J. D., M.L.S. said...

Congrats with your PHD. Enjoy your posts.

Unknown said...

Thank you very much. And the best to you as well.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to you too! Congrats with your PHD too. Great blog very informative

Unknown said...

Thanks much. I appreciate the feedback.