Friday, 4 November 2011

A Proposal for libraries in some Jamaican police stations

Title: Libraries for Manchester police stations
Author: ALICIA SUTHERLAND Observer Staff Reporter
Date published: Friday, November 04, 2011


Article reports on a proposal by Resident Magistrate of Manchester and former police officer Oswald Burcheson for libraries to be established at every police station in this Jamaican parish. the idea behind this is that such a library could assist with continuing education and professional of police officers.

MANDEVILLE, Manchester- Resident Magistrate of Manchester and former police officer Oswald Burcheson is proposing to assist in setting up a small library at every police station in the parish for the continued educational development of police officers.

Burcheson made the commitment at the closing exercise of a development course for police corporals at the Ingleside Wellness and Recreation Centre in Mandeville recently.

“I would like to see at every police station a small library. When you are doing station guard duty you can take a book and read or you can tell the young policeman who come under your command…take a book and read. A lot of persons who have changed their whole course in life have been persons who have just read a book,” the Resident Magistrate said.

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