Monday, 17 August 2009

Barbadian Special Collection Destroyed by Fire: Millions of Rare materials vanish in smoke

Author: (MR)

Title: Wealth of information up in smoke

Source: Nation News

Date Published on: August 11, 2009.


Tragedy hits Barbados, when a special collection of books and research material donated by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)to the Israel Lovell Foundation vanished in a fire. The materials produced by the BBC featured some research and publications on the nation and the Caribbean. The collection was intended to be organised into a public library for academic research to benefit the nation. The materials were not insured and the loss marks a major setback to the project.

ABOUT $2.5 MILLION in books and research material donated by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)to the Israel Lovell Foundation went up in smoke just after midnight yesterday.

A pensive Trevor Prescod, director of the foundation, told the DAILY NATION there was no way of replacing the collection of books which were stored in a block near the St Giles Nursery School compound, My Lord's Hill, St Michael. The books were not insured.

The entire block was ravaged by the fire.