Title: Festival Queens foster development
Source: Jamaica Observer
Date Published: Wednesday, July 15, 2009
URL: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/magazines/Entertainment/html/20090714T220000-0500_155400_OBS_FESTIVAL_QUEENS_FOSTER_DEVELOPMENT.asp
The Festival Queen 2009 contestants are focusing their grace, talent, intellect and beauty on boosting Jamaica's development. The parish queens are engaged in numerous community projects that foster nation-building across Jamaica. They are tackling issues as diverse as sexuality, marginalised males, and literacy.
Literacy has the attention of Shanna-Kay Williams, Miss Portland and Kelonie Noble, Miss Hanover. Ms. Williams will be working at the Windsor Castle All-Age School library with 'Recovery of the Youth', a book drive and book club to promote reading. Ms. Noble will carry out the "Read to Succeed" project at Escher Primary.
On Monday, 25 May 2009, on this blog, it was posted that a Jamaican Librarian, Kelonie Noble, was crowned parish queen. This post is a follow up to that post, as it covers the national finals for the Jamaican Festival queen competition. Ms Noble, now unto the finals is engaged in a project to promote reading.
For more information on the competition visit http://www.jcdc.org.jm/ms_ja_bg.htm.
For more information about the organising body behind the Jamaica Festival Queen Competition visit http://www.jcdc.org.jm/index.php.
If you are still interested in knowing more about the competition and its rules, visit http://www.jcdc.org.jm/entryforms/2k9_forms/Fest_Queen_Entry_Form.pdf for guidelines.
Jamaican Festival Queens undertake several projects. Among them are literacy and reading promotion projects. One festival queen, Shanna-Kay Williams, Miss Portland, will be working with the school library at the Windsor Castle All-Age in a programme entitled 'Recovery of the Youth'. This project will establish both a book drive and a book club to promote reading.
Kelonie Noble, another festival queen [and Librarian], is involved in the project "Read to Succeed", which targets the Escher Primary school.
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