Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Educators say that Internet makes Jamaican students lazy

Author: NADINE WILSON Career & Education staff reporter wilsonn AT

Title: 'Internet making students lazy': Educators say better monitoring of use required

Date Published:
Sunday, April 12, 2009



FOR many of Jamaica's students, the Internet is easily accessible and convenient, allowing them the opportunity, at the click of a mouse, to get their hands on the answers to an abundance of homework questions. And that is precisely the problem that educators are having with the technology.

Teachers complain that while the existence of the Internet has its advantages, it also helps to promote laziness among students, which manifests itself in their poor academic performance at exam time and in their school-based assessments (SBAs).


Article reports on the observations of educators about the impact of the Web on student academic work, abilities and achievement. The report chronicle negative observations made by educators about the quality of the work of students and their lack of critical thinking and analytical skills, which they attribute to the increased access to the Web.

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

JA company book programme supports literacy goals

Title: Jamalco book programme supports literacy goals
Source: Jamaica Gleaner
Date Published: Sunday | April 12, 2009

Jamalco has been commended by the Ministry of Education and the Jamaica Library Service (JLS) for its ongoing investment in Jamaica's education system through its continued donation of books to educational institutions islandwide.

The commendations came at a ceremony to mark the 28th anniversary of the Jamalco book programme and the start of the 2009 book drive at the Clarendon-based bauxite/alumina refinery, on Wednesday, April 8.

The book project has been organised by Jamalco since 1981 to assist educational institutions in acquiring supplemental textbooks for their libraries and for classroom use.


An article reporting on an anniversary event for Jamalco, with comments about the company's book programmes and how useful it has been to the national literacy and reading development. The article demonstrates that the company has been involved in and is committed to national book distribution for Jamaica on a non-profit basis. Comments reveal that Jamalco's work in national book distribution has benefited educational establishments and libraries in particular.

Jamaican High school get books from UK philanthropists

Author: Gareth Manning
Title: Donation is music to ears of Seaview
Date Published: Friday | April 3, 2009
Source: Jamaican Gleaner

A broad smile instantly replaced the plain look on principal Elaine Jones' face as members of the Thomas House Music House, a registered not-for-profit organi-sation in England, placed some educational material on the table in the lounge of the Seaview Gardens Primary School.

"Oh thank you, thank you," she said with gratitude. "There is no way we would have ever been able to afford all of this."


An article reporting on the philanthropic efforts of Thomas House Music House, a registered not-for-profit organisation in England, in donating books to Seaview Gardens Primary School. Captured also is the principal's response.

Monday, 27 April 2009

Guyana's National Library sponsors competition to rekindle love for reading

Title: National Library sponsors competition to rekindle love for reading
Date Published: April 23, 2009
Source: Kaieteur News


In its quest to rekindle a love for reading among young children, the National Library will...commence a Champion Readers competition to involve young people countrywide.

According to Chief Librarian, Ms Gillian Thompson, the reading competition, which comes as part of the 100th anniversary of the library’s existence, is an effort to make reading more attractive to children of all ages.

The article provides information about the new initiative of a reading competition being launched as part of the National Library 100th anniversary celebration. Purpose of the reading programme, as well as information about how the programme is structured is provided. In the article, more details are also given regarding the National Library's plan for its 100th anniversary celebrations.

Sunday, 26 April 2009

Jamaican Bauxite company lauded for sustaining book project

Title: Bauxite company lauded for sustaining book project
Source: Jamaica Gleaner
Date Published: Saturday | April 11, 2009


The Ministry of Education and the Jamaica Library Service (JLS) recently commended Jamalco for its ongoing investment in Jamaica's education system through its continued donation of books to institutions island wide.

The commendations came at a ceremony to mark the 28th anniversary of the Jamalco book programme and the start of the 2009 book distribution drive at the Clarendon-based bauxite/alumina refinery on Wednesday.

Jamalco has been organising the book project since 1981 to assist educational institutions get additional textbooks for libraries and for the classroom.


The article provides information about the Jamalco book programme. Also in the article, a summary of some of the speeches delivered at the ceremony marking the 28th anniversary of the programme and the launch of the 2009 book distribution drive at the Clarendon-based bauxite/alumina refinery. Among the speeches delivered are comments from both the Ministry of Education and the Jamaica Library Service (JLS) giving commendations to Jamalco for its donation of books to institutions island wide.

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Jamaica Music Museum being revitalised

Author: Mel Cooke
Title: Jamaica Music Museum being revitalised
Date Published: Wednesday | April 22, 2009
Source: The Jamaican Gleaner


At last Thursday evening's symposium to announce a list of top 100 Jamaican popular songs at the University of the West Indies, Mona's Undercroft, Herbie Miller brought the large audience "peace, love and harmonious greetings from the revitalised Jamaica Music Museum (JAMM)".

JAMM's mission is to "collect, conserve, exhibit and raise awareness of the history of Jamaican music, covering the range of our diverse heritage and to strengthen the public's sense of identity within the context of the nation's history".

Miller said that "in order to achieve these objectives, the museum is to encourage and organise activities (such as last Thursday's symposium), to raise awareness of the historic breadth of all genres of Jamaican music, including both ritual and secular, to highlight its social implications and to cooperate with others to increase the study and dissemination of our music".


The article reports on Jamaica Music Museum (JAMM), its history, it mission and objectives. The article also reveals future plans for the museum and the overall work that it will be doing in documenting Jamaica's musical history.

Sunday, 19 April 2009

Jamaica celebrates Intellectual Property Week

Title: JIPO Celebrates Intellectual Property Week, April 20-26
Source: KINGSTON: Jamaica Information Service (JIS)
Date Published: Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Jamaica Intellectual Property Office (JIPO) will observe Intellectual Property (IP) Week from April 20 to 26, under the theme: 'Creativity: Protect. Collect. Respect.'

Speaking at Thursday's(April 9) JIS Think Tank session, Manager of the Copyright and Related Rights Directorate at JIPO, Philippa Davies, explained that the observance of the week presents an opportunity to highlight the value of creative endeavours and the importance of their protection to national development.

"IP Week is to put special focus in our public education activities to raise awareness of intellectual property, as it is integral to everything we do each day. We want persons to be more aware that it is not a concept that is abstract, but it is real.from you wake up in the morning until you go to bed at night, you are either using or creating intellectual property," Miss Davies pointed out.


The article provides information about the Jamaica Intellectual Property Office (JIPO) and their plans to celebrate Intellectual Property Week.

Grandma Praises JIS Research Facilities

Author: Lotoya Pennant
Title: Grandma Praises JIS Research Facilities
Source: KINGSTON: Jamaica Information Service (JIS)
Date Published: Saturday, April 18, 2009

The article reports on a satisfied patron of the Jamaica Information Service Research and Publications Department [library facility]. It also reports on the mission and history of the Department, its services, its mission, its objectives and goals.


Mrs. Anderson praises the Government's information agency for continuously providing wholesome, educational programmes to uplift Jamaicans.

While the requests may vary, Mrs. Anderson says she is always able to find the information she needs at the JIS.

Manager of the Research and Publications Department, Celia Lindsay, notes that the information provided by the Department is specialised and focuses on areas such as Government policies and programmes, Jamaican history, culture, and heritage.

"As the government's information arm, the JIS is dedicated to providing accurate, up-to-date information and first class service and our collection has books, pamphlets, periodicals and newspaper clippings, dating as far back as the early 1940s," she indicated.

Miss Lindsay notes that, despite the name change, the department remains a relevant and integral resource point for information on Jamaica. Now known as Research and Publications, the department continues to provide commendable archival and library support to a range of clients, mainly Government ministries and agencies, public servants, academics, tertiary and secondary school students, private sector entities and the general public.

Miss Lindsay says that the department has been working assiduously to reposition itself as a provider of up-to-date research/reference material on Government's programmes and policies, and is a comprehensive source of reference information about the history, people and culture.

"We hope to reaffirm the JIS as the first point of contact for government documents, such as Ministry Papers, reports, speeches of past Prime Ministers, Budget and Sectoral Speeches, Laws and Amendments and other information," Miss Lindsay states.

Thursday, 16 April 2009

Linguist launches T&T English/Creole dictionary

Author: Michelle Loubon
Title: Linguist launches English/Creole dictionary
Source: The Trinidad Guardian
Date Published: April 15, 2009


Canadian linguist and lexicographer Dr Lise Winer embarked upon a 35-year journey to archive [Trinidad and Tobago's] indigenous expressions for posterity. She found the dazzling array of words, Soca Warriors, and colourful figures of speech “spinning top in mud,” were little windows through which T&T could archive its literary heritage. Winer’s work culminated with the launch the Dictionary of English/Creole of Trinidad and Tobago at Nalis Audio Visual Room, at Hart and Abercromby Streets, Port-of-Spain, on March 23. The dictionary bore the national colours—red, white and black.

“The Creole dictionary is a new tool to embrace and appreciate our language and history.” - Jeannette Elias, manager of corporate communications at the National Gas Company (NGC);

“Too often small countries are seen as not having anything significant on the global stage. I like the way people here think, metaphorically and proverbially,” - Dr Lise Winer

The article reports on book launch for the new indigenous dictionary of Trinidad and Tobago's language. Most of the article covers the author's experiences with and thoughts on the Trinbagonian language.

The article also raised the issue of the preservation and recording of Trinidad and Tobago's oral and literary tradition. Praises for Dr. Winer's work were issued by a number of speakers who saw this dictionary on Trinidad and Tobago's linguistic expressions and words as a means of documenting the nation's language.

Attending the launch were two Caribbean librarians, Annette Wallace, executive director at Nalis and, UWI campus librarian Jennifer Joseph.

Sunday, 12 April 2009

Fashion, Colour and Cotton for Museum’s 75th year

TITLE: Fashion, Colour and Cotton for Museum’s 75th year

Date Published: April 10, 2009


This Easter weekend the Barbados Museum and Historical Society (BMHS) celebrates it 75th anniversary with a gala evening of high fashion, colour, and the uniqueness of indigenous West Indian Sea Island Cotton.

It’s being called “April Breeze”, an event that brings the Museum together with Exclusive Cottons of the Caribbean Inc. (ECCI) to present Barbadians with an enjoyable showcase combining historic and cultural exhibits with modern fashion for a holistic and memorable experience.

Article reports on an event to celebrate the Barbados Museum and Historical Society's 75th anniversary. The event features Exclusive Cottons of the Caribbean Inc. (ECCI) hosting a fashion show, exhibits, musical entertainment and "a silent auction which is expected to raise some much needed funds for the Museum".

Jamaican Grandma tells of her lifelong affair with books

Author: Petrina Francis

Title: Grandma's forever love - 77-y-o tells of her lifelong affair with books

Source: Jamaica Gleaner

Date Published: Tuesday, April 7, 2009



Douglas last year outperformed her peers in the Jamaica Library Service's reading competition and walked away with the organisation's 60th anniversary prize in the 60-and-over category.

"I love reading from I was small. Reading gives a lot of information that you can't get from anywhere else," Douglas told The Gleaner last Friday during an interview at the St Thomas Parish Library, which she visits at least once every two weeks to borrow books.


Feature article on a septuagenarian patron of the public library that won the national reading competition in her category.

Thursday, 9 April 2009

UWI Press Shines at BIAJ Award Ceremony

Title: UWI Press Shines at BIAJ Award Ceremony
Date Posted: April 06, 2009
Source: Public Relations Office of the University of the West Indies, Mona Campus [Press release]


At the 10th Biennial Book Industry of Jamaica National Book Award Ceremony held recently, the University of the West Indies Press, its authors and staff received a record number of awards


The press release reports on the 10th Biennial Book Industry of Jamaica National Book Award Ceremony held recently. At this ceremony, the University of the West Indies Press, its authors and staff received a number of awards, which are identified in the press release.

Scarce information is available about the National Book Awards of the Book Industry Association. The press release however covers the purpose of the National Book Awards which is to recognize publishing excellence in Jamaica.

Additional information is given about UWI Press history of receiving awards for its publications.

Two-day Literacy Conference at Northern Caribbean University, Jamaica

TITLE: NCU Stages 2-Day Literacy Conference
SOURCE: MANDEVILLE, Jamaica Information Service (JIS)
DATE: Wednesday, April 08, 2009


A two-day literacy conference, which is aimed at arming educators and parents with the information and skills to improve reading among children, got underway on April 7 at the Northern Caribbean University (NCU) in Mandeville.

The conference, which is being held in conjunction with Howard University in the United States of America, targets teachers, parents, administrators and policy makers, providing them with the opportunity to garner information and knowledge on both traditional and emerging methodologies in teaching persons how to read


The article reports on the opening ceremony of the literacy conference. It documents some of the remarks of the Governor General regarding the importance of literacy or reading to the nation. Also mentioned are the remarks of the Minister of Education, indicating his focus on addressing the issue of illiteracy in schools.

Vice President for Academic and Administration at NCU, Dr. Beverly Cameron, is also cited as stating that educators are the most influential persons in promoting literacy to students.

Saturday, 4 April 2009

Jamaica's Access To Information Essay Competition 2009


TITLE: Campion College Student Wins ATI Essay Competition


DATE: Friday, April 03, 2009


The Public Relations Manager for the ATI Unit, Damian Wilson, said the unit would be launching another essay competition for tertiary level students.

He also outlined that the unit has also embarked on a number of other initiatives to increase awareness of the Act. These include the launch of its Facebook page and a channel on YouTube. He disclosed that the unit is getting ready to launch an advertising campaign on Jamaica Urban Transit Company(JUTC) buses, and on liquid crystal display (LCD) screens in supermarkets.

The ATI Unit spearheads the implementation and administration of the ATI Act, which was passed in June 2002. The Act provides the public with a general right of access to official documents held by public authorities.


The article reports on an award ceremony for the Access to Information Unit's Essay Competition which seeks to promote awareness of the act among school students. Contains information about the purpose of the competition and future plans for the competition.

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Rockhouse Foundation Donates $1.3 Million to Buy Books for Negril Library

Title: Rockhouse Foundation Donates $1.3 Million to Buy Books for Negril Library

Source: KINGSTON, Jamaica Information Service(JIS):
Date: Friday, March 27, 2009


The Jamaica Library Service (JLS) today (March 26), received $1.3 million from the Rockhouse Foundation, to purchase books for the Negril Branch Library.

The presentation was made at a ceremony at the JLS office, Tom Redcam Drive, Kingston. The funds will assist the Foundation to fulfill its mandate of enabling national development through the creation and support of a knowledge-based society of culturally aware lifelong learners.

The foundation is also refurbishing the Negril Branch Library at a cost of $30 million. This will be completed by the end of May.

The article reports on a official ceremony held at Jamaica Library Service Headquarters to recognise and formally receive donations for the development of the Negril branch of Jamaica's public library system. In the article, gratitude and tribute is paid to the donors, Rockhouse Foundation, by the Director of Jamaica Library Service, Mrs. Patricia Roberts and the Mayor of Savanna-la-Mar, Councillor Bertel Moore.

Information is also relayed regarding the expectation of how the funds will be used as well as the Foundation's mandate and mission.

Specific mention is also made about the work the foundation is doing to refurbish the Negril Branch Library to the cost of $30 million. Mention is also made about the new children library spaces that are being designed.