Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Another Youth Information Centre (YIC) to be constructed in rural Jamaica

Author: Andrea Braham
Title: Youth Information Centre to be Built in Hanover
Date published: April 23, 2014
Source: Jamaica Information Service

The article reports on the speech made at Addressing the signing ceremony at the Ministry, in Kingston, where the Minister of Youth and Culture, Hon. Lisa Hanna, signed a contract for the construction of a Youth Information Centre (YIC) in Hanover. Details are provided about the cost of the contract, the location of the centre, what the centre is to be used for and the needs that it is expected to serve. The company awarded with the contract to construct the centre is also named. Hanna in her speech thanks the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) for sponsoring the project. She also gives information about the YIC developments nationally, while speaking specifically of what the establishment of the centre in Hanover is expected do for the youths in the parish.


When completed, the centre, to be located at Watson Taylor Park in Lucea, will be the
11 built across the island to provide a space where young people can go to access
information on issues affecting them, use the computers, complete their assignments,
get training, or just to ‘hang out’ and be comfortable with their peers.

It will have office spaces, a cyber café, resource area, meeting rooms, a multi-purpose
room, a stage for the performing arts, and an all-purpose court, among other amenities.

Institute of Jamaica's Executive Director outlines new plans for Jamaican museums

Author: Elaine Hartman Reckord
Title: IOJ Facilitating Greater Appreciation of Museums
Date published: April 22, 2014
Source: Jamaica Information Service

Article reports on the measures taken by the Institute of Jamaica (IOJ) to enable greater access to the museums showcasing artefacts of Jamaica's heritage. One such measure is the opening of the museum during Saturdays. In the report,  the Executive Director of the IOJ, Anne Marie Bonner, is reported as listing some of the programs and events that will be implemented by the museum to attract more visitors including showing movies and storytelling and puppetry for children. Bonner is also reported as indicating that the museum is targeting not just students but young adults, families and senior citizens. Further information is provided about the Institute and the various museums that it operates across the island. The importance of the museums is also mentioned in the article, as well as plans outlined for refurbishing and repairing a number of museums. Challenges facing some of the museums are also mentioned.

 “We are looking at setting up date-nights for the young adults. We will be having a series of movies that we will be showing in the afternoons and several activities for the children, including story-telling and puppetry,” she says, adding that other programmes are being developed for children and adults during the summer holidays.

She points out that “museum education” is very important, not only for students. “We are also extending our outreach to young adults, families and senior citizens because we feel it will benefit all Jamaicans and not just young people,” she says.

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

JA. Education Minister urges students to use libraries

Author: By Andrea Braham
Title: Students Urged to Make Use of Libraries
Date published: April 8, 2014
Source: Jamaica Information Service

The article reports on the opening ceremony of the Reading Day celebration of the Western Union sponsored National Reading Week 2014. Reported specifically is statements from the Education Minister, Hon. Rev. Ronald Thwaites, discussing the need for students to both read and use libraries. Also reported is more information about the week's activities, as well as statements from the Chief Executive Officer, GraceKennedy Financial Group, Courtney Campbell, speaking about the theme of Reading Week 2014 and why it was chosen and the importance of reading and its link to education. It is also mentioned that during the National Reading Week, that senior executives from GraceKennedy, their agents, private individuals, celebrities, media personalities will visit select schools to read to students and donate books to libraries.


Education Minister, Hon. Rev. Ronald Thwaites, is encouraging students to read and make good use of libraries across the island, to help in advancing their education.

“If you don’t have a good library in your school, then ask for the library service to send you a book mobile,” the Minister said.

Rev. Thwaites was addressing the opening ceremony of Reading Day, at the Allman Town Primary School, in Kingston, on April 8. The day is part of the Western Union National Reading Week 2014, which runs from April 7-11 under the theme: ‘A Great Reader Makes A Great Leader’.

Antigua and Barbuda gets new building for national public library

Title: A National Library at last
Date published: April 10, 2014
Source: Government of Antigua and Barbuda

The article reports the re-opening of the new building for the national public library of Antigua and Barbuda. The previous location is noted as is the length of the construction process leading to the new building. The report also reports, from the opening ceremony, speeches from both the Minister of Education Dr. Hon. Jacqui Quinn-Leandro and the Minister Dr. Hon. Baldwin Spencer about the process and about the national importance of the library.

Mentioned also are the rooms that the national public library will offer including a children’s library and reading room, adult reading rooms, a modern conference room, a research and reference library, newspaper and periodicals section, staff and lobby areas, a cafeteria and a gift shop.


After four decades since the public library was damaged by an earthquake, construction of the new national public library of Antigua and Barbuda has been completed. The work which was started in the 1990's has been completed under the United Progressive Party administration signaling another campaign promise fulfilled by the “People First” Government. The 20,000 square foot multi-level complex building located on Hails Prominard Road is a replacement for the nation's first library which was damaged by an earthquake in 1974.  The country has operated a ‘temporary’ library on Market Street since.

Minister of Education Dr. Hon. Jacqui Quinn-Leandro is the fifth Education Minister to preside over the library construction project. On Wednesday, moments before the ribbons were cut to open the doors of the building, the minister noted she was cognizant of the challenges her predecessors in the ministry faced, but that she was determined that the project would be completed under her watch.

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

ACURIL 2014 conference

Event:  The Association of Caribbean University, Research and Institutional Libraries (ACURIL) XLIV Conference conference (The region's annual flagship conference)

Location: Melia` Nassau Beach Hotel, Bahamas

Date: June  8-12, 2014

Theme: Libraries, Archives and Museums: Gateway To Information Literacy & Cultural Heritage

See URL for details:

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Jamaica to get a new museum preserving its German Heritage

AUTHOR: Laura Koch, Gleaner Intern
TITLE: New movement in 'German Town'
Date Published: Monday | March 31, 2014 :
SOURCE: Jamaica Gleaner

The article basically reports on the vision of  a few women of German heritage to transform their home town in Jamaica. The women, Rosalie Vieira, her sister Debbie Burnsed, and their friend Jeanette Lynch, outline their plans to preserve the German heritage of Seaford Town, also known as 'German Town'. Information is also provided about this rural town,  located in the deep rural countryside of Westmoreland, Jamaica. In brief, the article mentions the ambition to fundraise and build a new museum to preserve the German heritage of the town as well as some artifacts.

Lynch said the Tourism Enhancement Fund (TEF) will support the ambitions of the women and finance the building of a new museum.

Currently, a classroom in the primary school serves as the town's museum. It contains artifacts of the German settlers, including bowls and combs and pictures.

"By the end of this year, we should have that new museum", Lynch told