Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Death of Chief Librarian of the Guyana National Library

Author: Michel Outridge
Title: Chief Librarian Gillian Thompson dies in road accident
Source: Guyana Chronicle Online
Date published: Dec 24, 2013


The news article reports on the death of Gillian Thompson, the Chief Librarian of the Guyana National Library. Outlined are some details about the circumstances leading to her death. Biographical details are also reported about her life. The reporter also captures the emotions of a staff member of the National library, Margaret Eastman, Coordinator of External Activities. Also reported is the statement released by the Ministry of Education offering condolences to the family as well as providing further biographical details about Gillian Thompson. 

Thompson served as Chief Librarian for the past nine years after pursuing post-graduate studies in Library Science at the University of the West Indies, Mona campus.
Many staff members bemoaned the loss of a person who they considered to be “a good boss.”Funeral arrangements will be announced later.
 Meanwhile, the Ministry of Education expressed sincere condolences to the family, friends and staff of the National Library, on the passing of Ms. Thompson.
 The Ministry in a release said Thompson worked at the National Library for just over two decades, beginning on November 1, 1991. In 2004 she became the Chief Librarian and worked tirelessly until her untimely passing on December 24, 2013.
 “A consummate professional who dedicated her time, energy, and professional training in library science towards the advancement of reading in Guyana, Gillian would be dearly missed not only by her family, but by her colleagues and friends at the National Library and those from within the education fraternity,” the Ministry said adding: “May her soul Rest In Peace!.”

CARIB LIN's 6th anniversary and 2014 goals

It has been 6 years since I have been keeping this blog going. As is my custom, since it is now December, I reflect on and review the year for the Carib LIN blog.

In December 2007, when Carib LIN was born, the blog represented my timid foot into blogging. Here I refrained from commentary and sharing opinion, but just providing a referral blog to other news relevant to the region's library and information professionals. Hence, my aim and objective in Carib LIN was to provide documentary evidence of facts and descriptive and analytical summaries. Today, the blog is still operated in this manner. (However, I have become a bit bolder in blogging, in my blog Small Island Librarian, taking greater risks by publishing my professional opinions, rants and ideas).

At the writing of this post, the Carib LIN statistics indicate that I have managed to maintain this blog with at least one post per month, with an average of 2 posts per month. This is a good achievement considering the effort it takes to: a) keep blogging and b) to keep an eye out for news to blog about.

For 2014, I will strive to continue:
  • providing an abstracting and selective information dissemination service for important library and information related news in the English-speaking Caribbean
  • maintaining grammatically and error free entries, while ensuring that this blog is accurate, trustworthy and reliable 
  • providing a voice in the blogosphere for issues in Caribbean library and information service environment 
  • reporting developments that are of interest to and affect librarians and information professionals who have an interest in the region. 
  • and maintaining the survival of this blog through at least one blog posting per month.
Apart from this, I want to give a shout out to Athaliah Reynolds, from Jamaica Information Service (JIS), who has consented to alert me to relevant news published by JIS that are suitable for mentioning on this blog. Finally, I want to give thanks to you, the reader, for the continued visitation of Carib LIN, and I wish you a prosperous 2014.

Faithfully yours,

Mark-Shane Scale,
Chief editor, curator and blogger of Carib LIN.

Monday, 23 December 2013

Jamaica Library Service gets grant for ICT resources

Title: Jamaica Library Service gets grant to boost ICT resources
Source: Jamaica Observer
Date published: Saturday, December 21, 2013
URL: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/news/Jamaica-Library-Service-gets-grant-to-boost-ICT-resources

The article announces the funding of US$2 million to the Jamaica Library Services (JLS) for
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) resources and projects in Jamaican public libraries. The article also reports comments from both Education Minister, Ronald Thwaites and Paul Lalor, Chairman of the Board of the JLS, expressing appreciation for the award of the grant and indicating the implications of what the funding will allow the JLS to accomplish in Jamaica's public libraries.

KINGSTON, Jamaica - The Jamaica Library Service (JLS) received a grant of US$2 million from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation based in Seattle, United States of America, which will, along with co-funding of US$1.1 million from the Jamaican Government, help the JLS to boost Information and Communication Technology (ICT) resources in public libraries.

The funds will also enable JLS to provide additional training for staff and users, enhance programmes and services and support a comprehensive advocacy and marketing campaign.

In July the foundation advised the JLS of the granting of the award for the charitable purpose to enrich lives and ultimately contribute to the achievement of the country’s Vision 2030, Jamaica the place of choice to live, work, raise families and do business.

Jamaica's Ministry of Labour and Social Security launches Records Management Competition

Author: Athaliah Reynolds-Baker
Title: Labour Ministry Launches Records Management Competition
Source: Jamaica Information Service
Date published:  December 19, 2013
URL: http://jis.gov.jm/labour-ministry-launches-records-management-competition/

The article reports on the launch of a  Records Management Competition hosted by the Ministry of Labour and Social Security. It outlines the eligible participants and the reason for the competition's initiative, to encourage efficient and effective records and information management in the Ministry. Reported speech from the launch comes from Portfolio Minister, Hon. Derrick Kellier; Registrar, Documentation, Information and Access Services Unit (DIAS), Winston Walker; and Records Manager, University of the West Indies, Sonia Black.

The Ministry of Labour and Social Security has launched its Records Management Competition 2014, under the theme ‘Keep or Toss’.

The contest, which is open to MLSS records staff in all 14 parishes, is meant as an incentive to officers, while highlighting their significant role in maintaining efficient and effective records and information management in the Ministry.

Portfolio Minister, Hon. Derrick Kellier, while speaking at Wednesday’s (December 18) launch, highlighted the importance of a comprehensive records management programme, pointing out that it can enable an organisation to fulfill its mission and contribute to nation-building, while saving in terms of finance and human resources.