Sunday, 3 March 2013

Rural school library in Jamaica mounts information literacy awareness display

Author: Karen Sudu
Title: Innswood High 'SHINE' On Jamaica Day
Source: Jamaica Gleaner
Date Published: Saturday | February 23, 2013 0 Comments

The article reports on a rural school library in Jamaica, where Dacian Forrest-Gray, the librarian briefly discusses her school library event and the aim of the event. Mentioned is the effort to get the students to become aware of information literacy skills and its importance for their academic success.

"Today, we decided to have an open day for the school library, where we showcase the library, information literacy, so we mounted a display titled SHINE - Sustained Habits for Improved Necessary Educational Empowerment," explained Dacian Forrest-Gray, librarian.

She added: "We have recognised that our students are not so much information literate and they are not so keen on their educational goals, so we want them to SHINE, and we wanted to show them students who were shining, students who have achieved," said Forrest-Gray.

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