Thursday, 15 April 2010

Lawyer calls for a Jamaican Sports Museum

Author: DANIA BOGLE Observer staff reporter
Title: Franklyn: Time for a J'can Sports Museum
Source: Jamaica Observer
Date published: Thursday, March 18, 2010

The article reports on a lecture by attorney-at-law (with speciality in sports law), and former government minister, Delano Franklyn, who calls for the Jamaican Government to set up a Sports Museum. Franklyn in this report provides evidence of calls for the Jamaican Sports Museum in the past by Government officials. A rationale for the sports museum is outlined as well as an opinion about what such a museum could contain and how it could be financed.

A Jamaican Sports Museum must be established in order to continue nation-building through sports, said attorney-at-law and former government minister Delano Franklyn.

Franklyn made the statement during his presentation Sport in Jamaica: A Local and International Perspective at the annual GraceKennedy Foundation Lecture at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel on Tuesday.

Franklyn's idea of a Sports Museum includes a building where locals and foreigners could view Jamaican sports memorabilia, footage from sporting events, and a seminar room for ongoing discussions on sport.

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