Friday, 16 April 2010

Artifacts being collected for Jamaican Music Museum; museum to open 2011?

Title: Artifacts being gathered for museum of Jamaican music

Source: KINGSTON, Jamaica (AP)/ Jamaica Observer

Date Published: Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Article reports on plans to open the new Jamaican music museum in 2011. Yet the date is not official. Information is also given about the proposed scope of collection and some of the artifacts it will collect, preserve and showcase. The political/government agency responsible for the museum is also mentioned.


Jamaica plans to open a music museum next year that officials say will feature rare pieces from the island's music history, such as the sole album that the late reggae star Bob Marley produced before he gained international fame.

Artifacts will include a cassette tape in which another reggae great, Peter Tosh, jams a blues song with Mick Jagger and Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones....

The museum is requesting donations to help preserve Jamaica's vibrant music history. The island's music preservation took a major hit two years ago when officials discovered that a massive collection of 1970s music, including original recordings by Marley and Tosh, disappeared from the archives of the former Jamaica Broadcasting Corporation (JBC).

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Lawyer calls for a Jamaican Sports Museum

Author: DANIA BOGLE Observer staff reporter
Title: Franklyn: Time for a J'can Sports Museum
Source: Jamaica Observer
Date published: Thursday, March 18, 2010

The article reports on a lecture by attorney-at-law (with speciality in sports law), and former government minister, Delano Franklyn, who calls for the Jamaican Government to set up a Sports Museum. Franklyn in this report provides evidence of calls for the Jamaican Sports Museum in the past by Government officials. A rationale for the sports museum is outlined as well as an opinion about what such a museum could contain and how it could be financed.

A Jamaican Sports Museum must be established in order to continue nation-building through sports, said attorney-at-law and former government minister Delano Franklyn.

Franklyn made the statement during his presentation Sport in Jamaica: A Local and International Perspective at the annual GraceKennedy Foundation Lecture at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel on Tuesday.

Franklyn's idea of a Sports Museum includes a building where locals and foreigners could view Jamaican sports memorabilia, footage from sporting events, and a seminar room for ongoing discussions on sport.

Barbados opens a Museum Gift shop

Author: (CH)
Title: Museum shop opens
Source: Barbados Nation News
Date published: March 21, 2010.

The article reports on the opening of a museum gift shop by the Barbados Museum & Historic Society to sell products that reflect Barbadian heritage. Funding behind the gift shop is also mentioned. Also new plans for the museum and its tours are highlighted by the marketing officer Christine Skeete.

THE Barbados Museum & Historic Society officially threw open the doors of its spanking new gift shop at the Garrison...

"We will be adding more and more products as time goes on. Our intention is to work more closely with some of our artists to development products that will be customised for the museum [and] that will reflect Barbadian heritage and culture in a unique way. We are looking to make it a venue where both locals and visitors would feel they want to come back to get new and interesting products."

Jamaican Music Museum gets new collection; permanent home still forthcoming

Author: BASIL WALTERS Observer staff reporter
Title: Jamaica Journal — first edition on Jamaican music launched
Source: Jamaica Observer
Date published: Sunday, March 07, 2010

The article reports on the launch of a special Jamaica Journal issued on the subject of Jamaican Music. At this event, the Minister of of Youth, Sports and Culture Olivia Babsy Grange highlights plans to establish a permanent home for the the museum of Jamaican Music, as well as a digitisation project aimed at digitising the music collection.

The article also reports on the handing over ceremony of a collection belonging to Dermott Hussey, a broadcaster, music historian and collector of Jamaican music for over 50 years, to the museum. Hussey's rationale behind donating the collection to the museum is also reported.

Stressing that downtown Kingston is the future cultural mecca of Jamaica, Minister Grange announced that a permanent home for the museum of Jamaican music will soon be established there, if everything goes according to plan. She also stated that her ministry has recently received equipment to digitise the entire collection of the music. The minister with responsibility for entertainment said she is determined to have a joint relationship with all the cultural entities that have collections of the music. These include the JBC (Jamaica Broadcasting Corporation) archives, the National Library, the JCDC.

She congratulated Dermott Hussey on making his important collection available to the Music Museum. "This collection of records, films, and documents will be an invaluable part of the museum which is still in its embryonic stages," she declared.