Title: Branch workers going door to door
Source: Barbados Nation News
Date published: October 24, 2009
URL: http://www.nationnews.com/news/local/COMMUNITY-library-canvas-copy-for-web
The article outlines the new marketing strategy for the Barbados Public branch library to increase the use of its library services. This involves canvassing the community like politicians.
The librarian outlines how this strategy will be undertaken, and the rationale behind it. One of the obstacles to the use of the new library facility is also articulated. The acting library directory also indicates a plan to overcome that obstacle.
The article also gives the age of the Barbados Public library service and reports on its current expansion and improvement in infrastructure.
STAFF OF the Barbados Library Service are preparing to hit the road.
Acting Director of the Barbados Library Service, Avonda Callender, said she and her staff would be canvassing the districts in St Joseph to get people to use the new facilities at Tamarind Hall in the Eric Holder Jr. Complex.
"We're going out there, foot to foot. This is the first time the library will do it. It's a new marketing strategy we're introducing and we are going to do it in St Joseph.