Sunday, 25 January 2009

Bill passed for public library regulation in Bahamas

Author: By STAFF WRITER,Guardian News Desk
Title: Bill passed for public library regulation
Source: The Nassau Guardian
Date: [Friday, January 23, 2009]
Pages: [A3 & A14]


Report on legislation being passed for the regulation of Bahamas public library system. Cited is the Education Minister Carl Bethel, who provides insight as to the expected role and mission of the public libraries in Bahamas, as well as information about the current library system. Bethel also indicates the new management approach that will be implemented for public libraries in Bahamas.

Monday, 12 January 2009

Preliminary Programme of the 2009 International Conference of the Jamaica Library Service

This is an unofficial news release on the JLS 2009 International Conference.

The preliminary programme is out. Therefore, the topics to be presented at the conference are now confirmed. You can visit the link below:

Or you can visit the Jamaica Library Service's website at the following URL:

This event should produce a lot of scholarship on librarianship in Jamaica if not the region.

Conference Name: Jamaica Library Service 60th Anniversary International Conference
ponsoring Institution:
Jamaica Library Service
"Public & School Libraries: Your Partners in National Development"

Location: Sunset Jamaica Grande Resort & Spa, Ocho Rios, St. Ann
February 16 - 21 , 2009

Sunday, 11 January 2009

Goals for Carib LIN in 2009

I began blogging CaribLin in December 2007. As such, for those who may not already know. last month was the first anniversary of Carib LIN.

Since this blog came into being, more than 30 blog entries have been posted. Just for the year 2008, 28 blog entries were posted, an average of 2.3 blog entries per month.

In addition, we have increased the Caribbean scope of the blog. Articles have been posted from Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados and St. Kitts and Nevis.

For this 2009, the goals for Carib LIN are to:
  • maintain the blog entries on the Caribbean library and information environment to at least 2 per month.
  • expand the English-speaking Caribbean scope of the blog
  • document oral sources and events in the region
  • maintain grammatically and error free entries, while ensuring that this blog is accurate, trustworthy and reliable.
  • continue to maintain objectivity and serve as a source of news for those interested in the library and information environment in the region
Therefore, you can look forward to a more informed year. Feel free to contribute any news that you may wish to share or commentary and annotations to blog entries.

Best wishes and a prosperous 2009 to you!

Author Calls for Athletic Museum

Title: Author Calls For Athletic Museum
Source: JIS E-Newsletter Volume 9 Issue 2
Date: Friday, January 9, 2009


In an article in the Jamaica Information Service newsletter an author calls for the creation of an athletic museum.

Full Text:
Justice Patrick Robinson, author of the book ‘Jamaican Athletics … a model for 2012 and the world,’ has called for the establishment of an athletic museum to celebrate the achievements of the country’s athletes, their coaches and administrators.

“I believe that what we have achieved in Beijing was not the culmination of our athletic prowess and dominance, but a high point. We have the ability to go beyond this and the museum would seek to motivate both present and future athletes towards the achievement of excellence,” added the author.

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

US Embassy adds to school library’s collection

AUTHOR: Melissa Bryant
TITLE: US Embassy adds to local library’s collection
Tuesday 06 January, 2009

US embassy donates some resources (encyclopaedias) to a school library in Barbados. This author reports on the presentation and handing over ceremony.