Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Trinidad and Tobago's Ministry of Legal Affairs Launched Digital Legislative Library

Title: Ministry of Legal Affairs Launched Digital Legislative Library

Date published: Aug. 5, 2015
Source: CCN TV6
URL: http://www.tv6tnt.com/home/Ministry-of-Legal-Affairs-Launched-Digital-Legislative-Library--320800661.html

Announced is the launch of the Digital Legislative Library of Trinidad and Tobago and the resources that it provides access to as well as the cost of the initiative.

The Ministry of Legal Affairs launched the Digital Legislative Library of Trinidad and Tobago this morning. The digital library will contain legislative material dating back to the 1800's. Costing the government just under a three million dollars Minister of Legal Affairs Prakash said this is a proud moment in the legislative history of Trinidad and Tobago.

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

11th Youth Information Centre established in Jamaica

Author: Claudia Gardner
Title: Youth Information Centre Lifts Hopes In Lucea
Date published: July 2, 2015
Source: Jamaica Gleaner
URL: http://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/news/20150702/youth-information-centre-lifts-hopes-lucea

The article reports on the opening of another Youth Information Centre (YIC) in Western Jamaica opened in a remodelled building. Excerpts are reported on the opening ceremony, in particular the speech given by Dr. David Stair, the custos rotulorum of Hanover. Dr. Stair is reported as urging users to protect the buildings and imploring youngsters to  use the facilities. Advice about how the facilities can be used is also mentioned.

Jamaica Library Service receives computer software from Microsoft

Author: Douglas Mcintosh
Title: JLS Receives Computer Software Valued at $131.85 Million
Date published: June 20, 2015
Source: Jamaica Information Service
URL: http://jis.gov.jm/jls-receives-computer-software-valued-131-85-million/

This article reports on the funding and donations received by the  Jamaica Library Service’s (JLS) for its information and communications technology (ICT) project. How the funding and donations will be used is announced as well the purposes to which the newly acquired ICT resources will be applied.

The JLS Director General, Karen Barton, is reported expressing gratitude for the donations and funding. Microsoft Jamaica Country Manager, George Cobin, is also reported as praising the JLS for its ICT initiatives. Microsoft Jamaica’s Sector Manager for Education, Queenie Ko, is also cited as expressing happiness that  Microsoft could support JLS in using technology for empower individuals and community development in Jamaica.

Further information is provided on both JLS and the  Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

The Jamaica Library Service’s (JLS) information and communications technology (ICT) project, currently being developed, has been boosted with the provision of computer software, valued approximately $131.85 million (US$1.13 million), by Microsoft Jamaica.

The donation, which is the largest to date made by the technology solutions firm in the English-speaking Caribbean, entails Office 2013 Pro Plus applications, comprising: Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access, which are utilized by global enterprises and companies. These will be uploaded on the approximately 800 state-of-the-art computers slated to be installed within the next three months at all of the JLS’ 127 public libraries islandwide and some mobile facilities, under the project, titled: ‘JLS: Using Technology to Empower Individuals and Communities for Development’.