Author: Garfield Angus
Title: Accompong to Get Library and Computer Centre
Source: Jamaica Information Service
Date published: January 8, 2013
The article reports on an event launching the construction for a library in a rural community in Jamaica. The Minister of Education, Hon. Ronald Thwaites, in his reported speech at the ceremony, informs us about the investor or sponsor behind the project and the cost involved. Minister Thwaites also comments on the potential benefit of public and private partnership on the education of children. The time period of the construction and the exact location of the site is also announced.
The community library is to be built on the grounds of Accompong Primary and Junior High School, and as such, the article also reports on the reaction of the school's principal, Garfield Rowe. Rowe reports in the speech the users that the facility will serve, which includes both the children and adults of the Accompong community.
Both the principal and Minister of Education are reported as praising the investor/sponsor of the project. The sponsor of project, Mystic Bowie, in turn is described by the article as a recording artiste and music producer, a resident of the area, who is living overseas. In his reported speech the sponsor states his personal vision for the the community and how he sees the project as fulfilling that vision by empowering the children of the community with needed educational resources.
Work will get underway next month on the construction of a state-of-the-art library and computer centre in the community of Accompong in St. Elizabeth.
The project is being funded by recording artiste and music producer, Mystic Bowie, a resident of the area, who is living overseas.
Speaking at the groundbreaking ceremony on Sunday (January 6), Minister of Education, Hon. Ronald Thwaites, said the project is significant for the Maroon community and lauded Mr. Bowie for investing more than $6 million (US$65,000) “in the building of education for his community”.