Title: UG launches online library service with access to over 65,000 books
Author: Stabroek staff
Date: Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Source: Stabroek News
URL: http://www.stabroeknews.com/2012/news/stories/04/03/ug-launches-online-library-service-with-access-to-over-65000-books/
The article reports on the launch of the University of Guyana's Online Library Service to various campuses. The article reports that the new service promises to provide online access to thousands of books.
The University of Guyana yesterday launched its Online Library Service at the Turkeyen Campus to facilitate online access to over 65,000 books for students, staff and members of the public, while access to another 120,000 is expected soon.
A similar programme was launched at the Tain Campus in Berbice last year, where the Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) service was unveiled as a pilot project for the university’s library services.