Monday, 20 September 2010

Libraries are still relevant - say Jamaican library experts

Author: Laura Redpath, Senior Gleaner Writer
Title: Libraries still relevant
Source: Jamaican Gleaner
Date Published: Saturday, September 18, 2010


EXPERTS WITHIN library information systems yesterday challenged assumptions that Jamaican libraries are losing their relevance in the age of the Internet.

Representatives from library services in academia and the National Library of Jamaica met at The Gleaner Company yesterday to discuss the role that libraries play in society.


A group of library experts meting with the Gleaner Company to discuss the role that libraries play in society. This article reports some of the comments made at that meeting by the library experts. Also indicated here is information that five of the nine persons interviewed by The Gleaner still found libraries to be relevant. Also in this article is brief biographical data on a few Jamaican library experts.