Sunday, 16 May 2010

National Library of Jamaica's Digital exhibition on the Sam Sharpe Rebellion

Title: National Library Mounts Online Exhibit on Sam Sharpe Rebellion
Date Published: Sunday, May 16, 2010


The article reports on an online exhibition by the National Library of Jamaica on its website. This exhibition will feature information on one of the first strike by Jamaican-born slaves. Information about the items to be exhibited are given as well as the date when the exhibition will be viewable.


An online exhibition on the Sam Sharpe Rebellion of 1831 has been established by the National Library of Jamaica (NLJ) for Labour Day. The exhibit will open on Monday, May 17 at the NLJ's new website at

Public Relations and Marketing Officer at the NLJ, Denise Walker, told JIS News that persons visiting the site will be able to view a map, which shows the sugar estates in the parishes of St. James, Trelawny and St. Elizabeth that were burnt during the uprising.

This map, which was drawn in 1832, shortly after the slave rebellion was quashed, has been digitised and set in a format that could be accessed by computer.

Dr Joyce Robinson honoured

Title: FISH honours Joyce Robinson, Fr Grenier
Source: Jamaica Gleaner
Date Published: Saturday, April 3, 2010

The article reports on the ceremony that honoured Dr. Joyce Robinson, a Jamaican library professional that was a former Director of the Jamaica Library Service. Information about her work and contributions to Jamaica are mentioned in brief.


"Dr Joyce Robinson and Father Louis Grenier, distinguished public servant and clergyman, respectively, have been honoured by the Foundation for the International Self Help Development (Ja) Limited (FISH)....

Dr Robinson is a distinguished public servant who has contributed significantly in the areas of library service, literacy, education and vocational training. She is a former director of the Jamaica Library Service and the Jamaican Movement for the Advancement of Literacy (JAMAL); general manager of the Jamaica Broadcasting Corporation and managing director of the Human Employment and Resource Training (HEART) Trust."

Dr Joyce Robinson honoured for outstanding service to Jamaica

Title: FISH marks 25 years
Source: Jamaica Gleaner
Date Published: Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The article reports that the Foundation for International Self Help Development Jamaica Limited (FISH) are to honour Dr. Joyce Robinson, a Jamaican librarian and former director of the Jamaica Library Service.

Robinson is a distinguished public servant who has contributed significantly in the areas of library service, literacy, education and vocational training. She is a former director of the Jamaica Library Service.