Sunday 5 February 2012

UWI Press launches e-books for Kindle readers

Author: The University of the West Indies, St Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago
Title: The UWI Press launches five e-books for Kindle customers
Date:  FEBRUARY 1, 2012
Source: The University of the West Indies, St Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago Campus News


This news release from the University of the West Indies Press highlights one of the main Caribbean scholarly book publisher launching e-books for Kindle readers. Background information on the publisher is also provided and the titles that will be available in e-book format are announced. In addition, the publisher's goal of publishing more than 60 more titles in e-book format is also stated.

January 2012 marked a new beginning for the UWI Press in the global book industry as it launches five e-books for its Kindle customers.
According to Linda Speth, the Director of the UWI Press: “Our goal is to provide superb Caribbean scholarship in a variety of formats.  During the next year, we will make more than 60 books available in electronic forms for a variety of tablets, readers and devices.  Our customers want a choice in how they gain access to our content and these and other initiatives will allow our customers greater access to and usability of our peer-reviewed books.”
The five e-books being launched are Cascade by Barbara Lalla, Inna di Dance Hall: Popular Culture and the Politics of Identity in Jamaica by Donna P. Hope, In Miserable Slavery: Thomas Thistlewood in Jamaica, 1750-86 by Douglas Hall,Jamaican Folk Medicine: A Source of Healing by Arvilla Payne-Jackson and Mervyn Alleyne and Abandoning Dead Metaphors: The Caribbean Phase of Derek Walcott’s Poetry by the late Patricia Ismond.

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