Monday 6 February 2012

Minister of Information declares role for Jamaican librarians in ICT

Title: Role for Librarians as Leaders in ICT Sector Development - Minister Falconer
Date: Monday, 06 February 2012
Source: Jamaica Information Service

Article reports on a speech by the Minister with responsibility for Information, Senator Sandrea Falconer, at the annual President’s Banquet of the Library and Information Association of Jamaica (LIAJA), in Kingston on Saturday, February 4. At the event, Senator Falconer outlines what she perceives as the role that librarians need to play in Jamaica's development. The response to the Minister from the President of LIAJA and Government Archivist, Claudette Thomas is also reported. Information is also present about the induction of three new honorary members to the association.


Librarians will play a leadership role in developing government’s framework for the ICT sector said Minister with responsibility for Information, Senator Sandrea Falconer, at the annual President’s Banquet of the Library and Information Association of Jamaica (LIAJ), in Kingston on Saturday, February 4.
Minister Falconer said, “Your organisation, the Library and Information Association of Jamaica (LIAJA)) is poised to play a critical role in this process by providing leadership and development in the information field and to encourage learning and facilitating access to information. Your members are information professionals who possess the requisite skills and competencies that can be applied to a variety of work settings that will ensure the attainment of a knowledge society by 2030."

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