Sunday 7 July 2013

Shortwood Branch library's annual essay competition

Title: Oberlin Student Tops Shortwood Library Essay Competition
Source: Jamaica Gleaner
Date Published: Thursday, June 6, 2013

The article reports on a prize-giving award ceremony for an essay competition. At the event a secondary school student receives an award for her submission  to the Shortwood Branch Library's Annual Essay Competition held at the Shortwood Branch Library, St Andrew. Both excerpts of the speeches of the winning student and the librarian are reported. The student comments on her emotions at winning the award as well as summarizes what her essay was about, whereas the librarian discusses the purpose and rationale behind the competition and its theme. Colleen Mignott, the librarian also mentions that the programme was outreach to the community and provides background information including the length of time the essay competition has been in operation.

Colleen Mignott, librarian at the Shortwood Branch Library, noted that the theme was inspired by the recognition that, as children begin to define their own ideals such as human rights, equality, honour, and justice, they often seek to identify heroes who symbolise the qualities and ambitions that they themselves aspire for.
"We thought that children use such ideals to define themselves, so we wanted to see them bring that out in their current-day heroes, not only the ones that are gone such as Marcus Garvey and Norman Manley, as there are several that are among us today. Some even wrote about their teachers as their heroes, and that is really good," Mignott said.

She also stated that the competition is a part of the library's community outreach programme.
"We like to consider ourselves as stakeholders in the education process as a library service, especially as a public library. So in doing this, we tried to help the children to develop their writing skills," she said.

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