Sunday 23 December 2012

Georgetown School of Nursing to get 'virtual' library

Author: Anthony Layne  
Title: Health sector skills capacity boosted as 91 medical personnel complete training programme
Source: Guyana Chronicle
Date published: 5 December 2012


This article reports on a speech made by the Guyanese Health Minister Dr. Bheri Ramsaran, delivered at the graduation of clinical and technical trainees at the National Cultural Centre. In that speech, the Minister announces plans to have the Georgetown School of Nursing upgrade its library to a virtual one with the installation of computers and Wireless Internet. In addition, the library will be expanded to accommodate more persons.

"Georgetown School of Nursing—at the centre of controversy in recent times—will soon have its library upgraded to a virtual library with the installation of computers and hot spot. Further,the school’s resource centre will be expanded  and so will the classrooms to alleviate the cramped conditions."

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