Tuesday 2 October 2012

Marcus Garvey Resource Centre established: Youth urged to use it

Author: Garfield Angus
Title: Youth Urged to make use of Marcus Garvey Resource Centre
Date Published: WEDNESDAY, 05 SEPTEMBER 2012
Source: Jamaica Information Service


The article reports on the Marcus Garvey Resource Centre housed in St. Ann, Jamaica. The facility officially opened on August 17, commemorating the 125th anniversary of the National Hero's birth. Information about some of the materials in the collection is provided. Information about how the resource centre came into existence is also provided, including the funding agencies and partners behind the project. The article also reports on the Director of Jamaica Library Service, Patricia Roberts, giving her vision for the centre and its major objectives. Future plans for the centre are also outlined

The article also reports on a number of other officials making various statements about the resource centre. The Mayor of St. Ann’s Bay, Councillor Desmond Gilmore, discusses the significance of the facility and his feelings towards it. The Custos of St. Ann, Hon. Radcliffe Walters, encourages young people in particular to use the facility. St. Ann Festival Queen, Kemesha Kelly also provides statements on the value of the centre. At the end, a brief biography about Marcus Garvey is also provided.

Young people in St. Ann are being encouraged to make use of the Marcus Garvey Resource Centre in the parish to gain greater insight into the National Hero’s life and work. The facility, housed at the Parish Library in St. Ann's Bay was officially opened on August 17, to commemorate the 125th anniversary of Garvey’s birth. It is equipped with books written by the National Hero, the works of Garvey scholars, several memorabilia, and copies of the Negro World newspaper that Garvey founded and was its chief editor.

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