Friday 29 April 2011

National Library Service of Barbados seeking to 'book' the unborn

Title: Booking unborn
Date Published: TUE, APRIL 12, 2011 - 12:02 AM
Source: Barbados Nation News

Article reports on the National Library Service of Barbados's strategic direction, their strengths and gaps. The article notes that the library was, despite the growth of e-readers, still popular with children, adults and senior citizens. Nevertheless, the article also reports that library personnel are embarking on a strategy of promoting reading from the “baby stage” in order to get children accustomed to hearing a voice reading from as early as pregnancy. Disclosure is made of a team at the Sir Winston Scott Polyclinic speaking to pregnant mothers, introducing the library service's Leap Into Reading Programme for children from one to five years old.

Mention is also made of the acquisitions of  e-books by the libray, where the Director Annette Smith indicates that the Library Service had began the development of a collection of e-books to keep relevant with new technology. The view is however expressed that new sources like the Kindle and e-books are still incapable of competing with reading in the library or even reading the printed book.

Appeal is also made for donations in acquiring new books as well as volunteers to read to children.The Director also expresses the view that the library needs a bus to provide extended services to various communities during school summer holidays.

Mention is also made of the US Embassy ChargĂ© d’Affaires Brent Hardt presenting a list of books to the library as part of the National Library Week celebration in the United States.


The National Library Service is not daunted by technology like the Kindle, but it is taking the fight for literacy to another level.

The service is seeking to reach Barbadians even before birth by promoting reading to unborn children through interacting with expectant mums at the polyclinics.
Yesterday, after a donation of 22 Notable Books by the United States Embassy, acting senior librarian at the Bridgetown branch, Grace Haynes, explained that although the library was still a popular place for children, adults and even senior citizens, library personnel felt the need to promote reading from the “baby stage”. 

1 comment:

  1. Good effort Barbados, you can never start too early. Even as the preferred format for reading books will change to ebooks, the children will have developed a love of reading for pleasure.


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