Monday 7 February 2011

Barbados school library gets books from US embassy and BYAP

Author: CT
Title: US, BYAP boost St George’s library
Source: Barbados Nation News
Date published: Tue, January 25, 2011 - 12:00 AM

This article reports on the US embassy and the Barbados Youth Action Programme (BYAP)'s gift of books to a school library in Barbados. The quantity of the donation and the general subject matter of the books are mentioned.

THE UNITED STATES EMBASSY to Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean and the Barbados Youth Action Programme (BYAP) yesterday teamed up to give a book boost to the St George Secondary School.

The school received 56 books, a donation that was coordinated by the BYAP and much appreciated by librarian of the school, Sonia Callender.

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