Saturday 1 January 2011

Anniversary reflections and goals for 2011

Each year the editor and primary contributor of Carib LIN takes the time to reflect on its existence. This year, I am a bit late for this blog's anniversary, but since the new year 2011 is a time for resolutions and to make up for what was not done in the previous year, I would like to take this opportunity to reflect on CaribLIN in 2010 and propose the direction for 2011.

For 2010, it was a challenging year for blogging for Carib LIN. In 2007 when I began, I started as an expectant dad. In 2010, I became a father of a young family. In addition work responsibilities have increased that has made it difficult for me to monitor the Caribbean news of the region and to summarise it for the blog.

I realise from this blogging experience why some blogs and even periodicals fold. Without a group of committed volunteers, one man's volunteer effort to publish information with no reward whatsoever will be challenged by job and family obligations. Leisure time also has become increasingly scarce and to spend it blogging or attempting to keep this blog in existence is one of those difficult decisions and commitment to be made.

For 2011, the objectives for Carib LIN are to:

  • maintain the blog entries on the English-speaking Caribbean library and information environment to at least 3 entries per month.
  • maintain grammatically and error free entries, while ensuring that this blog is accurate, trustworthy and reliable.

Ultimately, CaribLIN's 2011's purpose or mission is the same as 2010. The aim is to:

  • provide a voice in the blogosphere for issues in Caribbean library and information service environment
  • and to report developments that are of interest to and affect librarians and information professionals who have an interest in the region.
For this month, starting a fresh, at least two additional entries will be made. Let us see how the year will go.

Mark-Shane Scale
Blog Editor and Chief Contributor


  1. Hello Mark,

    I discovered your blog today whilst searching for information on Caribbean library conferences. You have done a really good job with the blog and I look forward to your contributions for 2011.

  2. Thanks Brica. Will be monitoring your blog for 2011 as well.


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