Sunday 14 February 2010

Trinidad and Tobao launches QP Oval Cricket Heritage Museum

Title: QP Oval Cricket Heritage Museum a tourism ‘gem’
Source: Trinidad and Tobago's Newsday
Date published: Saturday, January 16 2010

The article reports on the official launch of the Queen Park's Oval Cricket Heritage Museum. It provides information about the collection and the information that the Cricket Museum houses.

Also, the article reports on some of the objects that the museum houses that have potential value for attracting visitors. In addition, the funding and support from the Ministry of Sport in Trinidad and Tobago is mentioned. Plans for future expansion and development of the museum are also discussed in the article

Expectations, hopes and aspirations for the museum to attract tourists are also expressed by the Minister of Tourism. Statements also reveal the target market segments for the museum. Also mentioned are the fees charged for museum tours.

QUEEN’S Park Cricket Club has officially launched The Oval Cricket Heritage Museum at the Queen’s Park Oval in Port-of-Spain.

The Cricket Heritage Museum contains invaluable historical documents charting the progress of the Queen’s Park Cricket Club from their humble beginnings in 1891 when it was known as the “Sovereign” Cricket Club as well as West Indian cricket.

Thus far the Ministry of Sport has injected $300,000 to finance the museum as well as train the tour and site guides and produce tour manuals.

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