Saturday 20 February 2010

Letter to Newspaper calls for a Rex Nettleford museum at UWI

Author: Patrick A. Gallimore
Title: Rex Nettleford museum for UWI?
Source: Jamaica Gleaner
Date Published: Saturday, February 20, 2010

This letter to the editor of the Jamaican Gleaner, calls for a museum to honour the late Rex Nettleford. The author gives his justification why a musuem and initiative of this nature is important.


I THINK it would be a most befitting and beneficial tribute and symbol to the life and works of the late Prof Rex Nettleford if a museum in his honour were established by the University of the West Indies (UWI).

Such a museum could be placed at a suitable location on his beloved campus and become the permanent home and intellectual/cultural showpiece of Prof Nettleford's numerous speeches, interviews, books, photographs, awards, achievements, etc. This museum would serve to symbolically and meaningfully celebrate and showcase the life of one of Jamaica's and the Caribbean's greatest sons and would, in no small measure, help to motivate and instill a deeper sense of pride in persons of all ages and from all walks of life, particularly the youth.

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