Sunday 14 February 2010

The impressive Mallalieu's Car museum in Barbados

Title: Mallalieu's hot wheels
Source: Barbados Nation News
Date published on: January 31, 2010

The article reports on a vintage car museum in Barbados. The article also entails information about how the museum began, its collection, the curator, and the types of visitors that are attracted to the museum.

WHEN BILL MALLALIEU was a little boy, he loved playing with little toy cars.

Now that he's a big man, Mallalieu plays with big toy cars.

The result of his love affair with wheels, engines and motoring history is Barbados' lone old car museum.

But in fact, the Mallalieu Auto Collection is more than a place where locals, visitors, even primary school children can take a peek at some of the greatest vehicles ever assembled on the planet.

In the 40-foot car room at the collection's Pavilion Court, Hastings, Christ Church site there is also a sense of history that could blow even non-car-lovers away.

1 comment:

  1. I've learned that Barbados island is really a perfect destination for my family this summer. I hope i can find an affordable hotel in Barbados too.


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