Sunday 17 January 2010

Jamaica Music Museum update

Author: Mel Cooke
Title:Jamaica Music Museum - a sample of what can be
Date Published: Sunday, January 17, 2010
Source: Jamaica Gleaner

Article reports on the state of the Jamaica Music Museum. Its mission is described. According to its main curator, the museum will contain sections that will chronicle the technological changes in instrument construction and music production and the changes in Jamaican music genres (thereby containing information on Jamaica's social history, technology and specifically about music history.


Herbie Miller stands near the middle of Jamaica's musical chronology in words, images and artefacts along the side of a partition at the Institute of Jamaica, downtown Kingston, and said "I like to call this our 22 yards of Jamaican music history."

That distance is, of course, the length of a cricket pitch, and the sport has its own rhythm. But the director of the Jamaica Music Museum is referring to another kind of rhythm, the music that is woven into the tapestry of Jamaican life.

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